Friday, February 21, 2014

Two kinds of people

Ther are two types of people in the world, and they are the ones who win and the ones who loose, the ones who achieve their goals and the ones who work to achieve othe people's goals, the ones who reach their destiny and the one who are working tirelessly to help others reach theirs, the ones who work for their future and the ones who are hired to work towards the archiving of other people's futures. Now the main difference between them two is that the one that doesn't achive, conquer, and enjoy his own dreams and destiny is because he is too afraid to do what's necesary, they will excuse themselves by saying" I don't have the money" or "I don't have the experience" or the most classical one of all "I don't have the time" the sad thing is that they have the money, experience, and time to do it for somebody else that's not his wife and kids... Wow what a terrible reality. How can fear paralize you like that? There's no better time than now.... Please loose that fear and act now towards your dreams and make them a reality...

Monday, February 3, 2014

Transfer factors and health

Transfer factor are very small molecules that have a very important role concerning our health. These molecules work directly with one of the most important if not the most important system in our bodies"the immune system".

Now the big thing about this is that these miraculous molecules work by modulating your immune system which means they have the power to activate the immune system by bringing it to balance. You see this is a very essential role of our immune systems because we are attacked every day in two areas of immune defficiency, hyper activity and hypo activity. Hyper activity of the immune system is an area of deficiency where auto inmune conditions develop like lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, and many others, and hypo activity is just the opposite where CANCER can develop.

Now the role of TF is basically to activate your immune system by providing it with intelligence, and intuition thus giving it the capacity to maintain balance and perfect health. What an amaizing discovery... If you, a family member, or friend is suffering with any condition whatsoever  give transfer factors a chance. You will not regret it. For more info visit