Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Fear no more....

Fear is a present factor in today's market place. Because of the insecurity of today's economy people find themselves attacked by fear of the unknown. But I believe I have good news for you. The economy is in the best position ever to bless the individual over the corporation. The fact is that the industrial revolution has passed and gave birth to the information era. Now because of the switch in economic tendencies there is a period of conscious discovery that we are going through, the thing is that the fastest you realize the differences and seize opportunity the less you will suffer the effects of change... Now a days a job ( journey of the broke) is not effective and becoming obsolete. More than ever universities are becoming the cradles of the new born unemployed professionals, and at the same time technology is replacing jobs. The time for change is here... Listen to me, globalization and distribution are the most heard of terms in the market place, the reason why is that everybody knows if you apply both you have a great possibility of getting rich... That's why network marketing is the tendency of the moment. Baby boomers are retiring and focusing on wellness and peace of mind. They are the movers of tendencies and are telling you distribute globally products that promote wellness and I'll pay whatever it costs. Wow.... Wake up this is your time to capitalize in today's economy...

Sunday, July 28, 2013

The economic solution for today

Today more than ever people want a business that have the capacity to globalize because its very attractive. That's one of the reasons why over a million people monthly around the world take a look at the network marketing profession. Now that's not the only reason why it's so attractive, also because these are low investment low maintenance cost business, and the greatest of all reasons is that it prepares you with the communication, organization, and strategy building skills you need for today's economy... This is the profession of the 21st century. Paul Zane Pilzer says it is becoming the next great economy, because over the next decades every product and service will move through the network marketing industry.... Wow that's big. Imagine having residual income hitting your bank account every month from sales of products and services world wide... Now one thing you have to understand if you are Looking at it as your future, is that network marketing is NOT DIRECT SALES... You can not replace the whole infrastructure of distribution, talking about wholesale, stores, advertising etc... By just selling products... As a matter of fact you do have to prepare yourself as a communicator and a Leader and that takes time and dedication... To know more about this amaizing industry visit us at: www.intmiami4life.com

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Is Technology killing jobs....

 its common sense to believe that technology boosts productivity and makes societies wealthier, but at the same time it can also have a dark side: technology is eliminating the need for jobs and leaving the typical worker worse off than before. ­Economic productivity charts indicate that median income is failing to rise even as the gross domestic product soars. “It’s the great paradox of our era, Productivity is at record levels, innovation and technology advance has never been faster, and yet at the same time, we have a falling median income and fewer jobs than ever. People are falling behind because technology is advancing so fast and our skills and organizations aren’t keeping up.”

So we should come now to the realization that all this is bringing about new tendencies, like wellness and network marketing.

Because of the stress of the present moment, now more than ever we are looking for wellness and health, so companies that have products and services that deal with wellness will capitalize in this economy, even more if network marketing is part of the equation. This is the solution for this times, open your eyes and heart, and don't be stopped by what people might think or say, any ways when you are in economic trouble without a job and a future for your kids, those ignorant people that want to talk you out of building your future will not give you a hand but guaranteed they will turn their back on you... So why care what they say.

Visit us at:  www.intmiami4life.com

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Your time is now...

After being a PE teacher in dade county and a real estate broker I realized I was not moving towards the FINANTIAL freedom I was looking for. I realized what many realize today and that is that they are stuck in the hamster race, running like crazy on the wheel of labor and work but going no where. Today more than ever I see people that are trying to make the system work when in reality the actual system is obsolete.You see the industrial revolution has lost it's power and that's the reason why what used to work is not working anymore, example: 50 years ago people used to work all their lives and retired with freedom, today you know that's  impossible. People today are suffering the results of a switch in enconomic tendencies, and there are a few variables that provoke that,  one of them is the retirement of baby boomers who are retiring right now and want their money, the problem is that social security is running out of funds. Wow that's why today retiring is not an option. Now without talking too much I want to tell you about a fantastic option, one that some people don't understand yet. That is network marketing. Why? Because is has all the pieces that make up a good economic opportunity for this times. One being low investment and operational costs, another one being globalization, being it an opportunity to generate residual income from different parts of the world from your home. And like that many other ones. 

Now, why then people sometimes reject it and think is not worth it. Maybe they don't understand it's a profession and you have to prepare yourself to succeed. Today more than ever preparation is necessary and everybody understand that but don't know network marketing is not the exception, and pretend to have success just selling a few products and waiting for results to happen. You see in this profession you need communication skills and organizational skills. You need to grow as a person and a professional. You need to conquer fears and insecurities. You need to become a coach and a leader figure to many, and once you do that and do it for a long enough time success comes and money follows it in BIG quantities. Network marketing today is the best paid profession in the world, that's why so many entrepreneurs and professionals are seduced by it. If you are one of them visit us at. www. Alexdefrancisco.com

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Renew your mind...

The bible says in romans12:2... Do not conformed to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will. 

It's amaizing to realize that God tells us that in order to experience his will for our lives we have to change not our prayer life, or church going, or even our giving, the reason why is because all that is supposed to be happening already when the apostle gives the church this advise, but he tells them to change their mind, their way of analizing and interpreting things which are the ways the world uses. Wow how about doing that right now? How about thinking according to the word and the parameters the word gives us?  In other words thinking like conquerors, like winners. We are called by God to change our  perception of reality according to the truth and not shape truth according to our reality.

The promised land is here. Lets take it by force. Every Christian should be in a position of authority and prosperity.

Visit us at www.alexdefrancisco.com

No Tengo tiempo...

Una de las razones mas comunes para no ser parte del concepto de redes de mercadeo es: no Tengo tiempo. Mas cada ves que alguien me dice eso yo Le pregunto tres cosas, la primera ¿Es cuan IMPORTANTE Es el tiempo para ti?, y la respuesta Es Siempre, muy IMPORTANTE. Entonces pregunto, ¿y que harias con el tiempo libre? a lo cual responden, pasar tiempo con mi familia. Alli me doy cuenta porque el tiempo es tan importante para esa persona. Ahora la tercera pregunta es, ¿Que Es lo que te quita el tiempo para pasar con tu familia y hacer lo que quieres? Y la persona me menciona varias cosas mas la principal Es el Trabajo. Y alli esta el problema de tal persona. Que al decir que no Tiene tiempo para hacer algo Que puede Darle la libertad de un dia tener tiempo, esta diciendo que el mismo se esta condenando a no tener tiempo nunca y perder esa gran bendicion de la que habla, la cual Es pasar tiempo con la familia y con Los hijos, y ser libre... Dejame decirte y recibe esta verdad: SI NO HACES EL TIEMPO para hacer tus sueños una REALIDAD vas a tener que hacer el tiempo para hacer Los sueños de OTRO una REALIDAD. Suena eso familiar? Dejame aclararte a que me refiero, a tu Trabajo. Trabajando para otro creas tiempo para el dueño de la empresa y Su familia, y creas libertad para Ellos mas tus hijos siguen careciendo de tiempo con Su papa o mama. Wow.... Time to wake up.....date cuenta que estoy destrozando tu habilidad de mentirte a ti mismo diciendo que no Tienes tiempo, o otro clasico Es no Tengo dinero, o mas aun frecuente es yo no sirvo para eso. Wow despierta y date cuenta que despues de leer esto no vas a poder excusarte de esa manera mas y vas a tener que decir la verdad la cual Es TENGO MIEDO, y eso esta bien, solo enfrenta el temor y has lo correcto por tu familia.
Visitanos en.  www.alexdefrancisco.com

Saturday, July 13, 2013


Esta Es una de las palabras mas olvidadas y evitadas en nuestro alrededor. El Porque Es sencillo, la gente sabe que en la decision esta el movimiento principal hacia el Exito, y lamentablemente hay mucho temor hoy dia. En estos tiempos hay temores que descapacitan a las personas, temores como al Exito, al fracaso, al cambio, a lo desconocido, en fin hay varias formas de temor mas un solo resultado y ese resultado Es una Vida pauperrima, una Vida sin logro y sin Vida real solo existencia.

Si Es que alguna ves te has sentido asi, como que no avanzas y no sabes como, quiero que sepas que hay esperanza. Yo tambien tube tiempos de incertidumbre, mas Cuando entendi el poder de las decisiones todo cambio. Hoy te invito a que decidas crear un cambio en tu Vida, te invito a que no mires las razones por las cuales no puedes sino que mires la razon por la cual puedes y esa es que  eres criatura del todo poderoso, creacion a Su imagen y semejanza...

Hoy te reto a que visites nuestra pagina y descubras tu potencial. Quiero ayudarte como he ayudado a tantos hoy... www.alexdefrancisco.com

Monday, July 8, 2013

Cuales son tus miedos?

Hoy en dia hay 3 miedos que plagan la mente de Muchas personas en el mundo. Estos miedos atascan a las personas para que no puedan moverse adelante, y como Es logico debemos vencerlos. Estos miedos son al rechazo, al fracaso, y al futuro...

Ahora en mi Vida el concepto de redes de mercadeo marco un ritmo de crecimiento y conquista, lo cual me ha ayudado a vencer temores y inseguridades, y hoy dia alcanzar y lograr Exito.  El concepto de redes te obliga a crecer internamente, ya que bien rapido te das cuenta que sin cambiar no se logra nada, y aqui el gran problema de ciertos individuos que marcan las redes como piramides y estructuras de Negocio que no funcionan... Sencillamente no entendieron que tenian que cambiar y crecer internamente para llevar a cabo este concepto tan grande y maravilloso...

Para saber mas de como esto puede beneficiar tu Vida visitanos en:
www.intmiami4life.com.   O www.alexdefrancisco.com

Friday, July 5, 2013

Solution to our problems...

Now more than ever there's one reality that screams louder than any idea, opinion or information and that is the fact that people pay a lot of money today, but not for products or services, and you might think then, what do people pay for? Simply people pay for solutions, solutions for their problems.

Now there are many areas that people see as problem areas in their lives. And one of the most important ones is the economic one... Why do I say this? Because the economic situation of a person or of a household affects many other areas like marriage, relationships with children, or even performance on their jobs...

Now to a problem there is a solution. And I want to talk about a great idea that provides a solution to people's problems and that is network marketing.

We live in a world that's under a system of injustice and inequality... A system that mistreats people and abuses the dreams and visions that many individuals like you and me have had for many years. Dreams to give our families the right life. This system is persecuting people, people like you and me that have put the time and effort to have the result and fruit of a different life, a life of security and peace.

Sadly we are not reaping our fruit but instead the system is firing us from our 20 plus year jobs, and just to not have to pay retirement. The system is also replacing our labor with  technology. Today more than ever technology is replacing jobs and it will continue. The system is not keeping the promise of security when social security is very social but not secure at all. So my friend I have a question for you, what are you gonna do? Let me tell you what many are doing because its common sence, it's called network marketing... People helping people, that exactly what it is, people getting together to work as one with equal opportunity for everybody... Network marketing is a good idea, an idea that serves a great purpose which is to escape the system that persecutes you by lying to you and then stepping on you like a roach, with no mercy... And I know you know that what I'm saying is true.

For more info on how we can work together for this purpose visit us at... www.alexdefrancisco.com

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

I can see clearly now...

Have you ever had that moment when things
suddenly became clear in your eyes?

You were a bit hazy about how things fit together
or how they all worked, Then suddenly someone
or something happened to make it all seem perfectly clear. 

Sure You have. We all have at some point in our lives...

Let me ask you a question. 

Are you seeing everything clearly right now in 
your economic and personal life?

Can you SEE the big picture? 

Hopefully you are and you can. 

But if you are one of those, like so many, 
who are not and it seems like there is 
a fog surrounding everything then this
is for YOU. 

What am I talking about? International networkers team...

This is a phenomenon... Don't miss the opportunity to find out....

Visit us at: www.alexdefrancisco.com

Monday, July 1, 2013

El miedo no Es una opcion

Amigo mio hoy estaba hablando con uno de Mis socios de negocios y compartiendo hacerca de como el temor Es el agente de muerte mas poderoso que existe hoy dia. El temor ata y mata diariamente personas y hogares... Como Es que podemos llegar a esta conclusion de una manera tan solida y sin ningun tipo de duda? Bien sencillo, hoy dia Muchos se esconden del dolor de no lograr lo que desean y de la frustracion y verguenza de quedar cortos en nuestras metas, ya que el futuro de nuestras familias dependen de este Exito que deseamos Pero no perseguimos por temor...

Estos Es algo terrible... Ya que sabes que necesitas alcanzar una meta economica para Darle estabilidad a tu familia mas no Tienes la valentia para perseguir tus metas Hasta lograrlas. PREGUNTA, te has sentido asi alguna vez? Sera este dilema parte de tu Vida y tus pensamientos todos Los Dias? Te lo pregunto Porque por largo tiempo asi fue conmigo, mas yo logre soltarme de esa atadura y hoy quiero hablarte de como lo hice...

Lo primero que hice fue: acercarme a Dios de corazon y esto Es vital para el Exito.

Aunque esto lo hemos oido mucho Es IMPORTANTE que lo tomemos muy en serio. El señor y el temor no viven juntos, y hoy dia hay Muchas personas en el pueblo cristiano que viven atados pensando que Si hacen algo para lograr dinero y prosperidad se van a alejar de Dios. No hay nada mas ridiculo que esto ya que Dios es poderoso para mantenerte sin caida. Una relacion real con el señor Es vital para lograr Exito y libertad, mas oigan lo que dije UNA RELACION y no una religion. El poder para vencer el temor esta en la palabra y la oracion. Si un consejo debes recibir hoy Es este, acercate a Dios.... No a la religion y doctrinas de hombre las cuales tienen como centro el desbalance, gente dedicando horas y Dias al ministerio (lo cual esta bien) Pero no dedican tiempo a la familia y Su bienestar...

Lo segundo que hice fue asociarme al concepto de redes de mercadeo y esto ha traido bendicion a mi Vida, ya que me ha preparado ayudandome a crecer como individuo y profesional, dandome conocimiento y destrezas en comunicacion y organizacion. Wow esto ha sido tremendo, yo te aconsejo que lo mires seriamente, ya que puede cambiar tu Vida....

Para mas informacion en lo que hacemos visitanos en: www.alexdefrancisco.com