Thursday, July 18, 2013

Your time is now...

After being a PE teacher in dade county and a real estate broker I realized I was not moving towards the FINANTIAL freedom I was looking for. I realized what many realize today and that is that they are stuck in the hamster race, running like crazy on the wheel of labor and work but going no where. Today more than ever I see people that are trying to make the system work when in reality the actual system is obsolete.You see the industrial revolution has lost it's power and that's the reason why what used to work is not working anymore, example: 50 years ago people used to work all their lives and retired with freedom, today you know that's  impossible. People today are suffering the results of a switch in enconomic tendencies, and there are a few variables that provoke that,  one of them is the retirement of baby boomers who are retiring right now and want their money, the problem is that social security is running out of funds. Wow that's why today retiring is not an option. Now without talking too much I want to tell you about a fantastic option, one that some people don't understand yet. That is network marketing. Why? Because is has all the pieces that make up a good economic opportunity for this times. One being low investment and operational costs, another one being globalization, being it an opportunity to generate residual income from different parts of the world from your home. And like that many other ones. 

Now, why then people sometimes reject it and think is not worth it. Maybe they don't understand it's a profession and you have to prepare yourself to succeed. Today more than ever preparation is necessary and everybody understand that but don't know network marketing is not the exception, and pretend to have success just selling a few products and waiting for results to happen. You see in this profession you need communication skills and organizational skills. You need to grow as a person and a professional. You need to conquer fears and insecurities. You need to become a coach and a leader figure to many, and once you do that and do it for a long enough time success comes and money follows it in BIG quantities. Network marketing today is the best paid profession in the world, that's why so many entrepreneurs and professionals are seduced by it. If you are one of them visit us at. www.

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