Me encuentro desayunando en el Latin American en este momento y estaba pensando en Los ultimos 5 años de mi Vida, y el tramo que hemos caminado y esto Es tremendo. Cuando te das cuenta que has logrado alcanzar metas y lograr triunfos sientes un impulso incontrolable de darle gracias a Dios por proveerte el vehiculo y la Fe para lograr... Mas hoy especificamente estaba pensando en el proceso que hemos pasado, donde hemos crecido personal y profesionalmente, ya que nada grande en la Vida Es facil y rapido sino que toma tiempo de preparacion y crecimiento.
Hoy en dia vivimos en un mundo rapido, donde Se requiere eficiencia y rapides proveiendo productos y Servicios ya que la gente quiere lo que quiere YA... Mas aunque esto Es verdad, esto no debe desviarnos de entender la importancia del desarrollo del ser humano como persona y como profesional, hay que entender que el Camino al Exito no esta compuesto de Cortes de via sino que Es una Linea recta, o vas por esa linea, o vas por esa Linea, no hay opcion...
Lo que te quiero decir es: no trates de negociar el precio del Exito. El Exito no Se negocea sino que Se logra.... Por esa razon hay personas que hablan mal de Los negocios de Redes de mercadeo, Porque no Han entendido que hay que crecer, trabajar, persistir, para lograr.
Como Es que cabe en la mente de una persona que Se puede reemplazar un sistema completo de distribucion o lo que Se Le llama una cadena de intermediarios, solo con vender un Producto y sentarse a ver novelas, y no cambiar ni una cosa de las que haces que te separan del Exito? Las redes de mercadeo Es tan solo la plataforma de distribucion de productos o Servicios en la cual el individuo provee la distribucion a traves de organizaciones de profesionales. Otra vez dejame preguntarte, como Es posible que alguien Sea tan ingenuo al pensar que puede acceder a Los ingresos que Se mueven en estas Cardenas de distribucion al reemazarlas sin crecer, aprender, y lograr un desarrollo como profesional? Mas esto Es lo que sucede en el 95% de Los casos donde personas hablan en contra de l plataforma de negocios. Nunca entendieron o Quizas nunca Se les explico.
Para entender el concepto visitanos en:
Friday, June 28, 2013
Thursday, June 27, 2013
Pobresa o riquezas. Por cual te decides?
La pobresa y la riqueza no tienen Su Origen en la habilidad sino de la mentalidad...asi como el hombre piensa en Su corazon asi Es el...
Los pensamientos son el comienzo de todo lo que Se logra, aun de las opiniones que tenemos Cada dia... Te has dado cuenta que las personas a las que escuchas Se convierten en tu meta de logro? En otras palabras te conviertes en aquellos a Quien escuchas... Wow que revelacion: te estoy tratando de decir que Si te escuchas a ti mismo terminas como tu... Osea que Si estas descontento con tu estado actual sera mejor que escuches Los consejos y sujerencias de otro que este en la posicion que deseas tener...y no tengas Tantas opiniones....
Hoy en dia hay Muchas opiniones mas pocos resultados principalmente en aquellos que mas opiniones tienen... Muchos te dicen ESTO NO FUNCIONA.... Y al ver Su Vida te das cuenta que obviamente lo que Han hecho Si que no funciona, ya que trabajar tantos años para estar en una posicion de inseguridad y escazes, no habla de resultados ni credibilidad para dar consejos...
Otros dicen las redes son piramides y fraudes..... Mas Ellos Han trabajado esclavisados en piramides jerarjicas donde Los dueños hacen el dinero junto con el CEO y dan migajas a Los trabajadores para un dia muy posiblemente botarlos sin previo aviso... Wowww QUE GOLPE... Mas estos son Los que mas hablan... Hermano cual Es tu decision? A Quien vas a escuchar? En Quien te vas a convertir? Yo personalmente Si he experimentado a travez de las redes libertad de la opresion del Trabajo, crecimiento personal y profesional... Y conosco Muchos personalmente que estan generando ingresos que estan FUERA DE LO COMUN... Ingresos residuales que te dan libertad de tiempo para cumplir en deseo y la vision de Dios en tu corazon... Nuevamente a Quien vas a escuchar? Y en Quien te quieres convertir?
Para conocer mas de lo que hacemos visitanos en:
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
Wake up...
I believe we are living times of difficulty because change is happening all around us. Now some people are interpreting this as a bad thing when in reality it's a great thing. Change is necessary to grow and prosper in anything and everything you do.
To understand how to benefit from these changes that are happening we should learn from our mistakes and have faith in the future God has placed before us. There's opportunity all around us, we just have to take it and seize the moment.
Now let's analise how in the past our grand parents and parents have worked over 30 years in the work system.... Did they retired with plenty of money to live comfortably? Can they spend the rest of their lives enjoying life and not just surviving? If not, what makes you think doing the same thing they did you'll get a different result? You see common sense is the least common sense of all senses. How about after we understand this fact we do something about it and change our destiny?
Today more than ever change is necessary and only those that embrace it will survive, and faith without works is dead. My brother it's necessary to go towards the future with the strengh and desision to do whatever is necessary to recieve god's will for our lives. In my case I decided to do network marketing. So how about looking at it as an option.
For more information on what we do visit us at:
To understand how to benefit from these changes that are happening we should learn from our mistakes and have faith in the future God has placed before us. There's opportunity all around us, we just have to take it and seize the moment.
Now let's analise how in the past our grand parents and parents have worked over 30 years in the work system.... Did they retired with plenty of money to live comfortably? Can they spend the rest of their lives enjoying life and not just surviving? If not, what makes you think doing the same thing they did you'll get a different result? You see common sense is the least common sense of all senses. How about after we understand this fact we do something about it and change our destiny?
Today more than ever change is necessary and only those that embrace it will survive, and faith without works is dead. My brother it's necessary to go towards the future with the strengh and desision to do whatever is necessary to recieve god's will for our lives. In my case I decided to do network marketing. So how about looking at it as an option.
For more information on what we do visit us at:
Sunday, June 23, 2013
Cual Es tu compromiso?
En este dia al estar en una boda de unas amistades hay una palabra que viene a mi pensamiento, y la palabra Es COMPROMISO... Es logico entender que uno de Los significados de una union en matrimonio entre un hombre y una Mujer Es el compromiso que Se establese en esa union. Mas al mismo tiempo la palabra compromiso Tiene un significado y una aplicacion muy amplia... Hoy quiero hablar del compromiso entre el hombre del hogar y Su familia, mas especificamente sus hijos...
Hoy en dia nuestra responsabilidad hacia nuestros hijos Se ve altamente comprometida ya que como padres una de las obras mas importantes que debemos hacer Es proveer economicamente para el futuro de nuestros hijos y ser ejemplo de logro y conquista. Ahora, es facil darse cuenta que esto Se dificulta Cada ves mas y mas... Cada dia mas y mas empleos Se van a otra partes del mundo mientras la tecnologia reemplaza mas y mas oportunidades de empleos y negocios tradicionales.
Por esa razon yo entendiendo mi compromiso hacia mi Esposa y hijas decidi ser parte del concepto de redes de mercadeo... Y amigo, hoy dia Le doy gracias a Dios ya que estoy disfrutando mas tiempo libre con Mis hijas y esposa, y entiendo que les estoy dejando un legado de triunfo y logro a Mis hijas, donde ellas nunca tendran que conformarse como Muchos hoy en dia, que aceptan lo que viven ya que nadie les mostro que Es posible salir del monton y hacer la diferencia....
Para ver como hemos logrado esto visitanos en :
Hoy en dia nuestra responsabilidad hacia nuestros hijos Se ve altamente comprometida ya que como padres una de las obras mas importantes que debemos hacer Es proveer economicamente para el futuro de nuestros hijos y ser ejemplo de logro y conquista. Ahora, es facil darse cuenta que esto Se dificulta Cada ves mas y mas... Cada dia mas y mas empleos Se van a otra partes del mundo mientras la tecnologia reemplaza mas y mas oportunidades de empleos y negocios tradicionales.
Por esa razon yo entendiendo mi compromiso hacia mi Esposa y hijas decidi ser parte del concepto de redes de mercadeo... Y amigo, hoy dia Le doy gracias a Dios ya que estoy disfrutando mas tiempo libre con Mis hijas y esposa, y entiendo que les estoy dejando un legado de triunfo y logro a Mis hijas, donde ellas nunca tendran que conformarse como Muchos hoy en dia, que aceptan lo que viven ya que nadie les mostro que Es posible salir del monton y hacer la diferencia....
Para ver como hemos logrado esto visitanos en :
Saturday, June 22, 2013
What is network marketing about?
How many cases of fired employees do you see everyday? How many times have you heard that a friend of yours or even a family member is suffering from stress because his income is not secure and the well being of his family is in danger? Wow this is something we hear about very frequently, and that's sad even more when you know at the same time that the rich gets richer while the poor gets poorer. Have you ever thought for a moment that the system is not working for us anymore? Have you thought about the fact that the current system is favoring only the few that we work to support? Because now more than ever the few gets richer from the labor of the many... Let me ask you does that sound like corporate america?
You see the facts are facts, and when you see a system that persecutes the many to benefit the few, then the many have to get together and work to protect eachother, with everybody's benefit in mind... My friend this is network marketing.... A system that gives everybody the same opportunity to achieve success. By working together with the purpose of achieving the freedom that the corporate system does not and will not give you. Network marketing is the perfect business...
For information on how to find the right company visit us at:
You see the facts are facts, and when you see a system that persecutes the many to benefit the few, then the many have to get together and work to protect eachother, with everybody's benefit in mind... My friend this is network marketing.... A system that gives everybody the same opportunity to achieve success. By working together with the purpose of achieving the freedom that the corporate system does not and will not give you. Network marketing is the perfect business...
For information on how to find the right company visit us at:
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
Take action
I. Every object in a state of uniform motion tends to remain in that state of motion unless an external force is applied to it. The same occurs to the state of rest as the object tends to stay at rest unless an external force is applied to it....
Action is necessary, and today because of fear there are people that apply the rule on the negative side... They fall pray of the paralysis of the analysis and this is very sad... So how about taking a step forward, even if you fall you are still ahead of where you were before...
Now let me share with you some insight as to how to bringing yourself to action... You see your mind is the battle ground and you should pay attention to it to prepare it for the projection of action... Here comes a strategy that's simple and at the same time powerful... Read and listen to information that promotes action, positive and revealing information on how success happens, and not only listen but submerge yourself in that information daily... This is my friend the most powerful thing you can do...
Tuesday, June 18, 2013
Deseas el logro? Aprende Su ciencia
La ciencia del logro Es inmensa mas como todo en la Vida Tiene un significado central y puntos esenciales para Su alcance... Por un momento quiero hablar de ciertos puntos que entiendo que son esenciales para ser habiles logrando las metas y sueños que Dios a puesto en nuestros corazones...
En mis mas de 12 años trabajando con personas me he dado cuenta que una de Los puntos mas importantes a conocer por cualquier individuo que quiera lograr, Es el poder comprender como EL MISMO funciona....
El ser humano Es tridimencional. En Su totalidad el hombre es Espiritu, Alma, y Cuerpo. Mas hoy quiero concentrarme en el Espiritu y compartir ideas que pienso que pueden cambiar nuestro enfoque y nuestras estrategias hacia lograr Exito...
El Espiritu del ser humano puede ser comparado con Tierra ya que Tiene la caracteristica o habilidad para traer a manifestacion lo que Se deposita en forma de semilla dentro de el... No solo eso, el Espiritu Es la dimension mas prominente del hombre, lo cual quiere decir que lo que sucede en nuestras vidas Es un resultado directo o fruto de lo que fue sembrado en nuestro Espiritu... La mente o el alma a diferencia Es el direccionador del potencial del Espiritu, o el puente a travez del cual el Espiritu se manifiesta en la dimencion Fisica, mas la mente no posee el poder como muchos piensan...
Ahora como podemos nosotros impactar de modo positivo la dimension del Espiritu?
A esa pregunta hay realmente Muchas respuestas, ya que hay una gran variedad de estrategias que Se pueden usar para sembrar semilla de logro en el Espiritu. Mas hoy quiero compartir un principio sobre el cual todo esto funciona y una estrategia para implementarlo... El principio Es que tu Espiritu acepta como semilla eso sobre lo cual tu te enfocas constantemente y por un largo periodo de tiempo...
Ahora al entender este principio Es logico usar estrategias que aplican este principio y aqui va una...
Crea un album de sueños y metas. Esto Es bien sencillo ya que sobre una pancarta tu pegas fotos que te identifiquen con tus sueños y metas. En otras palabras buscas fotos que por lo menos Se asemejen a lo que quieres lograr, sea la Casa de tus sueños, el Carro que un dia deseas tener, o la vacacion que deseas tomar con tu familia , Etc..... Y el detalle aqui es que vas a poner uno de estos en Cada lugar donde pasas tiempo, Desde tu cuarto, Hasta el baño, el Carro o cualquier lugar donde puedas recordar tu proposito y meditar en el. Amigo esto Es muy poderoso, ya que estas impregnando tu Espiritu con esta informacion y el dara fruto de acuerdo a la semilla que tu siembres en el...
Para mas informacion acerca de lo que hacemos y como esto puede ayudarte a lograr lo que deseas visitanos en.
Monday, June 17, 2013
El cambio Es inminente
Todo lo que existe Es obligatoriamemte sometido a cambios... Los oceanos y mares tienen corrientes cambiantes, Los cielos cambian constantemente, aun toda materia cambia de acuerdo a la fuerza de cambio que la someta...
Ahora; Es IMPORTANTE entender esto, porque quieras o no quieras el cambio Es inminente, Toda dimencion de tu Vida debe cambiar. Espiritu, alma, y cuerpo deben cambiar y cambian constantemente, el punto a entender Es cual de las dos fuerzas de cambio las someten.
Hay dos fuerzas fundamentales de cambio, y de Ellas de deriva todo cambio que sucede. La primera Es la fuerza desarrollativa, y la segunda Es la fuerza corrosiva...
La fuerza desarrollativa Es la que experimentas en tu cuerpo Cuando el mismo Se desarrolla y crece. Tambien la mente Se desarrolla bajo esta gran fuerza de cambio, Cuando aprendes algo Nuevo, y obviamente en el espiritu tambien actua Cuando tu Fe Se desarrolla... Ahora la segunda fuerza la corrosiva toma accion en el cuerpo Cuando el envejecimiento toma lugar, y asi mental y espiritualmente....Pero Porque Es esto tan IMPORTANTE?
Muy sencillamente Porque Si no aplicas una, estas aplicando la otra... Amigo NO HAY PUNTO MEDIO...
Y he aqui lo que quiero traer a tu mente y a tu corazon, NO TE RESISTAS AL CAMBIO... Es inminente, solo aprende a dirigirlo y guiarlo. No Le tengas miedo al cambio, mas bien tenle miedo al miedo al cambio, ya que el miedo te paraliza y al no actuar esta dando cabida a la fuerza corrosiva, y asi Es en toda aria de tu Vida, incluyendo la economica...
Hoy en dia Muchos Se resisten al cambio que Es inminente... La economia esta sufriendo cambios radicales al punto de reemplazar las columnas que mantenian la economia Antigua por Nuevas columnas o variables que aplican a la nueva economia...
Que tal Si te digo que la columna Llamada capitalismo esta siendo reemplazada por la columna Llamada conocimiento. La era industrial, donde el que tenia el capital tenia la ventaja(Capitalismo) paso, y a dado lugar a la era de la informatica donde el que Tiene el conocimiento Tiene la ventaja. Quieres que te lo pruebe Mira a Mark Zuckerberg y Su creacion ( Facebook).
Asi mismo variables como la globalizacion esta reemplazando a la localizacion. Te has dado cuenta que Los negocios en redes son Los que subsisten sobre Los negocios locales? Mira Home Depot, y Los supermercados Publix. Tambien Es IMPORTANTE que te diga que Los empleos desaparecen Cada dia mas gracias a otra variable, La tecnologia. La tecnologia esta reemplazando Los empleos, y asi las oportunidades de una Vida al menos normal para todo el que Se resiste al cambio el cual Es inminente....
Con todo esto quiero decirte que las Redes de Mercadeo son el Negocio perfecto. NO TE RESISTAS AL CAMBIO, solo te estas dañando tu mismo. La verdad Es que en unas decadas mas del 75 % de todo Producto o Servicio siendo usados por consumidores Se moveran a travez de la industria de Redes de Mercadeo....
Pon atencion y no retraces en tu Vida lo inminente....
Thursday, June 13, 2013
When I think of a pyramid scheme the first thing that comes to mind is the Ponzi scheme... now let me talk about it a little bit to clarify what it is and how it worked...
Ponzi was an italian immigrant that started an investment business platform. At that time the postal offices around the world offered international correspondence coupons that were certified as valid around the world, so Ponzi's idea was to buy low and sell high, and he built an investment machine to attract investors...
Gradually these investors started investing, even though they weren't confident in the promises Ponzi gave them, and so they were investing minimum amounts of money, but when they saw that their investments gave them a return of 50% or more they gained confidence and started to invest in the thousands... Now to make the long story short, the Ponzi's empire grew and he became a very rich man, to the point of becoming the owner of a regional Bank and living in a very exclusive aria in lexington, Massachusetts.
There was only a problem with that and it was that ponzi was promising a return on the investment based not on the reserves he had but on the money invested by the new comers. Wow doesn't that remind you of social security? And Wall Street ? Haaa what a joke, Ponzi was punished but this big entities do the same thing without punishment... Now because of this way of dealing with people and their money there was no real product or service flowing down as money came up... My friend that's a pyramid squeme....
On the other hand NM is. Legit business model because it provides a real value for the money being paid... Not only its a real business model but also people like Paul Zane Pilzer calls it the model through which the economy will move. You see eventually every product and service will move through NM... Also people like Charles W King calls it the most attractive and powerful business model in the NEW ECONOMY... And Robert Kiyosaki calls it the perfect business...
Now you can sit there while you read this and still persist in saying this is a pyramid squeme or you can see the truth and fight for your future and your family...
Visit us at
Ponzi was an italian immigrant that started an investment business platform. At that time the postal offices around the world offered international correspondence coupons that were certified as valid around the world, so Ponzi's idea was to buy low and sell high, and he built an investment machine to attract investors...
Gradually these investors started investing, even though they weren't confident in the promises Ponzi gave them, and so they were investing minimum amounts of money, but when they saw that their investments gave them a return of 50% or more they gained confidence and started to invest in the thousands... Now to make the long story short, the Ponzi's empire grew and he became a very rich man, to the point of becoming the owner of a regional Bank and living in a very exclusive aria in lexington, Massachusetts.
There was only a problem with that and it was that ponzi was promising a return on the investment based not on the reserves he had but on the money invested by the new comers. Wow doesn't that remind you of social security? And Wall Street ? Haaa what a joke, Ponzi was punished but this big entities do the same thing without punishment... Now because of this way of dealing with people and their money there was no real product or service flowing down as money came up... My friend that's a pyramid squeme....
On the other hand NM is. Legit business model because it provides a real value for the money being paid... Not only its a real business model but also people like Paul Zane Pilzer calls it the model through which the economy will move. You see eventually every product and service will move through NM... Also people like Charles W King calls it the most attractive and powerful business model in the NEW ECONOMY... And Robert Kiyosaki calls it the perfect business...
Now you can sit there while you read this and still persist in saying this is a pyramid squeme or you can see the truth and fight for your future and your family...
Visit us at
Wednesday, June 5, 2013
A secure future shouldn't be so hard
Today everybody is looking for security for them and their families. Now there's a problem and that is that the system we as a people are under is not working anymore...
Corporate america has became the great piramid. Never before in history we have experience the reality of so many people feeding the dreams of so few people, and even more at a so high cost... People are basically giving up their families for a promise that is not ever met any more. The promise of one day retiring and enjoying life. Let me ask you, at what cost? Are you willing to give up seeing your kids grow up? Are you willing to give up your youth for a promise that requires working over 40 hours a week, for 40 years to retire with 40% of the income that wasn't enough to start with, and oh by the way get as a present, a $40 rediculus is that?
How about opening your mind, and getting together with other equal minded people to escape the system?
Let me tell you it's being already done by like minded individuals that have understood that the system is falling and sucking in anybody that doesn't wake up... Paul Zane Pilzer says Network Marketing is positioning itself as the next great economy... Every product and service will one day not far from now move through the Network Marketing industry, Robert Kiyosaki calls it the perfect business, and Charles W King says, it is the most powerful and attractive business model in the new economy...
Network marketing is it's name. And its your time to claim your part...
for more info on how to understand this better....
Is freedom important to you?
How sad is the fact that one of our motivations to feel good would be the weekend when every day should be the same. How sad that so many of us are living a life of limitations where you do, get, and enjoy what you can not what you want... You see I found myself 5 years ago sleeping in that horrible reality. I say sleeping because all of a sudden I woke up to the reality I was living. A life that most certainly I did not want to live...
let me go back and tell you a little bit of my story. I was a physical education teacher who did not like to be tied up to a system that tells you when to wake up, when to eat lunch, when to go home, and even limits you to a certain style of living... I believe in freedom.... so together with my wife we open a real estate office after beings realtors for a few years. At this time my wife got her RE broker's license and so we opened the office...long story short, we grew the office to about 60 agents, but the real estate market crashed...
wow what a hit... In reality it was hard for me because I knew I had to go back to my Career as a teacher... That's when a friend of mine spoke to me about network Marketing....
I'll be honest, when I saw the presentation I did not intend to become part of the organization, but two of my realtors agreed to do it, and then it hit me, why not sign up and have them sign with me... And I started going through the steps I was told...
to my surprise I grew relatively fast and so I started researching the industry and the rest is history.... I have fallen in love with this amaizing industry Because it gives everybody (not only the CEO and his close people) the same opportunity to create a future and leave a legacy of achievement and success....
Network Marketing is as Robert Kiyosaki calls it the perfect business. Please follow my advise and don't listen to people that speak without any means to back up what they are saying.... some will tell you that it doesn't work because only a few make it... Wow that reminds me of corporate america, but any ways if that was a solid reason then we have to say that pro sports don't work either. Lets see basketball, how many people play it? And out of those many millions how many play in the NBA?
And we have to also say that academic education doesn't work , because over 60% of students drop school, and out of the ones that stay only a few really are recognized as successful in their field... another few will say it doesn't work because they tried and it did not work... Wow they also tried marriage and when it didn't work they tried and got married again. The question is did they become professionals or just did not put the effort and dedication to then say IT DIDN'T WORK...
pay attention to my words and believe me it can really change your life....
for more info find out here
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