Monday, August 26, 2013

Are you stuck?

Just like darkness doesn't exist because its just the absence of light, and and sadness doesn't exist because its just the absence of happiness, in the same way being stuck doesn't exist because its just the absence of movement. Let me give you a principle of success that's amaizingly powerful. It's the principle of momentum. As you move forward in your career you will certainly have the temptation to feel stuck. Just remember if you keep moving forward with daily action you are growing. Sometimes growth has to be internal to manifest outside. The bamboo has a 5 year state of no manifestation on the outside and then all of a sudden in 3 months it grows amaizingly fast and high. You see there is a lesson to be learned about success here, and that is that you have to grow inside to be able to hold the weight of your success. Don't ever loose hope, always believe in the principles the word of God teaches on success and be patient through understanding of the process of success...

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