Sunday, September 22, 2013
Is your family secure?
Look at what I found, and open your eyes...
One of the most frustrating issues to haunt the halls of alternative economic analysis is the threat of misrepresentative terminology. For instance, when the U.S. government decided to back the private Federal Reserve in lowering the interest rates on lending windows to European banks last month, they did not call this a bailout, even though that’s exactly what it was. They did not call it quantitative easing, or fiat printing, or a hyperinflationary landmine; rarely does bureaucracy ever apply honest terminology to their subversive activities. False terminology is the bane of every objective analyst, because in order for them to educate and awaken those who are unaware of the truth, they must first battle through the daunting muck of the general public’s horrifically improper perceptions and vocabulary.
The chain of financial events taking place over the past decade in Asia have been correspondingly mislabeled and misunderstood. What some economists see as total collapse is actually a new and decidedly prophetic (or engineered) transition. What some naively see as the “natural” progression of globalism, is actually a distinctly deliberate program of centralization meant to further the goals of world economic and political totalitarianism. Asia, and most especially China, is a Petri dish for elitist psychopaths. What we see as suffocating collectivism in this region of the world today is the exact social schematic intended for the West tomorrow. Call it whatever you will, but on the other side of the Pacific, like the eerie smile of a sinister clown, sits fabricated fate.
The genius of globalization is not in how it “works”, but in how it DOESN’T work. Globalization chains mismatched cultures together through circumstance and throws us into the deep end of the pool. If one sinks, we all sink, enslaving us with interdependency. The question one must ask, then, is if all sovereign economies are currently tied together in the same way? The answer is no, not anymore. Certain countries have moved to insulate themselves from the domino effect of debt implosion, one of the primary examples being China.
Since at least 2005, China has been taking the exact steps required to counter the brunt of a global debt collapse; not enough to make it untouchable, but enough that its infrastructure will survive. One could even surmise that China’s actions indicate a foreknowledge of the events that would eventually escalate in 2008. How they knew is hard to say, but if the available evidence causes you to lean towards collapse as a Hegelian creation (and it should if you are paying any attention), then China’s activity begins to make perfect sense. If a globalist insider told you that in a few short years the two most powerful financial empires in the world were going to topple like bowling pins under the weight of their own liabilities, what would you do? Probably separate yourself as much as possible from the diseased dynamic and construct your own replacement system. This is what China has done…
China started with the circulation of Yuan denominated bonds, like T-Bonds, meant to securitize Chinese debt, creating an outlet for the currency to go global. China’s considerable forex and bond reserves make this move a rather suspicious one. With so much savings at their disposal, why bother to issue bonds at all? Why threaten the traditional export based economy and the uneven trade advantage that the country had been thriving on for decades? The success of Chinese bonds would mean the internationalization of the Yuan, a floating valuation of the currency, and the loss of the desirable trade deficit with the U.S. Back in 2005, this all would surely seem like a novelty that was going nowhere fast. Of course, today China’s actions suggest an unprecedented push to convert to a consumer hub at the center of a massive trading bloc. To put it simply; China knew ahead of schedule that the U.S. was no longer going to be a viable customer, and reliance on such a country would spell disaster. They have been preparing to break away from America’s consumer markets and the dollar for some time.
In 2008, after China announced the use of the Yuan in cross border trade on a limited basis, I began to write about the possibility that China was preparing to break from the Greenback. For the past few years my primary focus in terms of finance has been the East as a kind of warning bell for the state of the global economy. In 2009 and 2010, it became absolutely clear that China (with the help of global corporate entities) was developing the skeleton of a new system; a trade network that that had the capacity to supplant the U.S. and end the dollar’s world reserve status.
Since then, Yuan bonds have spread across the planet, China has dropped the dollar in bilateral trade with Russia, the ASEAN trading bloc has formed into a tight shell of export partners, and that is just the beginning. Two major announcements in 2011 have solidified my belief that a complete dump of the dollar by eastern interests is near…
First was the announcement that China was actively and openly pursuing the establishment of a central bank for the whole of ASEAN, with the Yuan utilized as the reserve currency instead of the dollar.
This news, of course, has barely been reported on in the mainstream. As I discussed at the beginning of this article, the terminology surrounding economic developments has been diluted and twisted. When China states that an ASEAN central bank is in the works, we need to point out what this really means; the ASEAN trading bloc is about to become the Asian Union. The only missing piece of the puzzle is something that I have been warning about for at least a couple years, ever since my days at Neithercorp (see “Migration Of The Black Swans” as a recent example). This key catalyst is the inclusion of Japan in ASEAN, something which many said would take five to ten years to unfold. News released this Christmas speaks otherwise:
Japan has indeed entered into an agreement to drop the dollar in currency exchange with China and has expressed interest in melting into ASEAN. Japan has also struck somewhat similar though slightly more limited deals with India, South Korea, Indonesia, and the Philippines almost simultaneously:
This means that the two largest foreign holders of U.S. debt and Greenbacks will soon be in a position to tap into an export market far more profitable than that of America, and that all of this trade will be facilitated by currencies OTHER THAN THE DOLLAR. It means the end of the dollar as the world reserve and probably the end of the dollar as we know it.
Japan’s inclusion in this process was inevitable. With its economy already in steep deflationary decline, the Yen skyrocketing in value against the dollar making exports difficult, as well as the ongoing nuclear meltdown problem at Fukushima, the island nation has been on the edge of complete collapse. Its only option, therefore, is to sink into the chaotic seas, or float like a buoy tied to an Asian Union. There can be absolutely no doubt now that Japan will soon implement the latter solution.
The dilemma at this point becomes one of timing. Now that we are certain that two of the largest economies in the world are about to dump the Greenback, what signals can we watch when preparing for the event? My belief is that the trigger will come squarely from the U.S. and the Federal Reserve, either as legislation to heavily tax Asian imports, a renewed threat of further credit downgrades like that which S&P brought down in August, or the announcement of more open quantitative easing. Any and all of these issues could very well arise in the course of the next 6-12 months, QE3 being a basic no-brainer. ASEAN could, certainly, drop the dollar immediately after their central bank apparatus is put in place, resulting in a much more volatile trade war atmosphere (also useful for full global centralization later down the road). The point is, we are truly at a place in our economic life when ANYTHING is possible.
My hope is that as our predictions in the alternative economic community are proven correct with every passing quarter, more Americans will take note, and prepare. I can say quite confidently that we have entered the first stages of the catastrophic phase of the economic implosion. All the fantastic and terrible consequences many once considered theory or science fiction, are about to become reality. Practical solutions have been offered by myself and many others. The only thing left now is to take action, or ride the tidal wave of destruction like so much driftwood. We can help to determine the outcome, or we can be idle spectators. In everything, there is a choice…
Thursday, September 19, 2013
Is your health important?
This is an article I found by Dr Larsen. Amaizing
Oil Pulling
What the Wise Ones in India do Almost Every Day
In India, most teachers, gurus, and individuals have rituals and traditions passed down generation to generation to purify the body. One system has been practiced in Ayurvedic medicine for thousands of years. This system is known as Oil Pulling, and is one of the most independently researched in Indian medical journals. There are claims that this treatment has achieved remarkable results with illnesses such as: migraine headaches, bronchitis, diseased teeth, arterial thrombosis, chronic blood disorders such as leukemia, arthritis and related illnesses, neurophysiological paralysis, eczema, gastroenteritis, peritonitis, heart disease, kidney disease, meningitis, and women’s hormonal disorders. These conditions and symtoms are completely eliminated from individuals who practice Oil Pulling.
In 1996, Andhra Jyoti, an Indian newspaper, conducted a survey among its readers on the effects of Oil Pulling— 89% reported its healing abilities cured one or more diseases including terminal cancer, AIDS and chronic infections.
According to the African Journal of Microbiology Research, Oil Pulling is an effective defense against the bacteria associated with dental caries (tooth decay).
Exactly how do you perform Oil Pulling? Here’s the recipe and method you’ll need to follow:
One tablespoon of cold pressed (virgin or raw) organic coconut or other carrier oil (refer to the hints section below).
On an empty stomach (prior to breakfast) take one tablespoon of oil
into the mouth, but do not swallow it. Move the oil slowly in the mouth then begin rinsing, swishing, sipping, sucking and pulling through the teeth. Practice this for fifteen to twenty minutes
Spit the oil into a toilet or garbage bin, but not the sink as it can solidify in the drain. Thoroughly rinse the oral cavity with water. Brush with fluoride-free toothpaste, followed by scraping the tongue.
Many advocates of Oil Pulling suggest Safflower, Sunflower or Vegetable oil; but more and more studies (and successes) are finding higher quality oils are more effective. The anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-fungal properties of whole, extra-virgin coconut oil makes it the perfect choice for Oil Pulling.
This process thoroughly mixes the oils with saliva. Swishing activates the enzymes and the enzymes draw toxins out of the blood. The oil must not be swallowed, for it has become toxic. As the process continues, the oil gets thinner and turns white. This has, in effect, pulled toxins and poisons out through the mucous membranes of the mouth.
It is important to understand that during the Oil Pulling process, one’s metabolism is intensified which leads to improved health. For many, the most striking results of this process is the fastening of loose teeth, the healing of sores, the elimination of bleeding gums and the visible whitening of the teeth.
The Oil Pulling/swishing procedure is best done prior to breakfast. However, to accelerate the healing process, it can be repeated three times a day; but it is always best to do before meals and on an empty stomach.
Results of Oil pulling Survey by a newspaper in India:
In 1996, after continuous publication of a regular column for three years in their Sunday edition on OP, Andhra Jyoti, a Telugu daily newspaper conducted a survey to find out the types of diseases cured and the effectiveness of OP. Out of a total of 1041 respondents, 927 (89%) reported cure of one or more diseases. People who did not report any cure were 114(11%).The analysis indicated cure of the following types of chronic diseases:
Pains in the body and problems pertaining to neck and above- 758 cases
Allergy and respiratory problems of lungs like asthma, bronchitis etc- 191 cases
Skin problems like pigmentation, itching, scars, black patches, and eczema etc -171 cases
Digestive system-155 cases
Constipation- 110 cases
Arthritis and joint pains- 91 cases
Heart disease and B.P- 74 cases
Diabetes- 56 cases
Piles- 27 cases
Diseases pertaining to female reproductive system reported by women- 21 cases
Diseases like Polio, Cancer, Leprosy, polycystic kidney, neural fibroma, paralysis etc -72
Sample testimonies of different disease cured
There are many testimonies of disease cured from different people, differing in age, sex and duration of disease. More examples are given in my book on “Oil Pulling and Healthy Habits”. Sample testimonies of chronic diseases cured are appended below for showing the curative effect of OP.
Allergy Asthma- Exhilarating Experience
On the first day of OP Feb 25, 1995, I felt an exhilarating feeling of freshness in the mouth.
Because of OP, addiction to cigar smoking cured on Mar 28, 1995. I was able to work with increased energy, concentration and less impatience. My nostrils were clear and clean.
I had food allergic asthma from September 1975. By end of March ’95, I gave up the use of inhalers for asthma.
Numbness in hands and legs disappeared in April 1995.
Discomfort in my feet and joints due to walking disappeared by April ’95.
The food tastes better and I feel more energetic.
I am enjoying the freshness of mouth, good health and very sound sleep due to OP.
Prof V.R.R.M. Babu, (57 years), Geology Dept, Andhra University, Waltair
Constipation – Piles-“With OP Health Is Great Wealth”
I have been practicing OP for the last one year with Til (gingelly -sesame) oil for fifteen to twenty minutes daily in the morning without fail. I am 82 years old. I have been suffering from constipation and piles for the last four decades. I consulted many doctors, used many medicines but with only temporary relief.
Within two weeks of practicing OP, I started getting relief. There was no pain during motion. Inflammation and piles decreased. I started having free and clear evacuation. I am sleeping peacefully and happily at night. Indigestion, lack of appetite has gone. Decades old pain has gone just by doing OP with gingelly (sesame) oil. Our Ayurvedic treatment is a comprehensive solution for all diseases. It is good for all to practice. -“With OP Health Is Great Wealth”.
Padma Bhusan Sri Kalogi Narayana Rao, People’s Poet, Tirupathi, A.P
Diabetes – Pregnancy – Child birth
My age is 41 years. I am a diabetic patient with no children. After doing OP for three months, I became pregnant. At the time of pregnancy, my blood sugar increased. I stopped OP for about a month thinking it was aggravating my problem. Having come to know that aggravation is a sign of cure, I started OP again. The sugar level came down and I continued OP throughout my pregnancy. After a caesarian operation, I gave birth to a baby. The doctors checked for sugar, both for the baby and me. We both were free from sugar. The wound healed well and stitches removed on the seventh day. Doctor was astonished at this. I found OP benefited me in the following ways:
I weigh 90 Kgs. height 4’11” with weak twisted foot. By walking, the foot used to become septic and pus used to ooze. By OP and walking daily, I became strong and was able to walk up the steps without difficulty.
OP reduced sugar gradually and diabetes cured. The skin became clear and shining and the spots on the body disappeared.
The body became strong, teeth firm; gums healthy and the hair turned black and stopped becoming white or gray.
Mrs AVL Umamaheswari, Commercial Tax Dept, Eluru, A.P.
At the advanced age of 74, it is unjust to expect miraculous result from any kind of therapy. Yet I must say that what I have experienced through OP therapy is almost a miracle and quite unbelievable.
Diabetes has been troubling me for the past 13 years. Now my blood sugar level is normal, though I do not take any medicine. I have discontinued all medication including vitamins, enzymes etc.
(Swami Swarupanand Bharati, (K.R.K.Chetty,IPS,D.I.G.(Retd)
Monday, September 16, 2013
You are in Danger. What are you going to do?
There's never been more opportunity to create wealth than today. Today's economy is ideal contrary to what some people think. Inside the time frame of the coming disaster predicted by Donald trump and Robert Kiyosaki in which a depression similar to the one that occurred in the 30's will take place between 2010 and 2020, opportunity rises. Why? Technology is growing giving the entrepreneur the upper hand, globalization is blooming, and because of economic stress people are opened to change. And because of all this network marketing is positioning itself as the economic platform of the new era.
Do you want me to prove it? Ok here it goes...
The old economy favored the corporation over the individual, this is the economy present during the industrial revolution, where corporations had all the advantages and points in their favor and they could provide for people a future and some security. Now as we know the industrial revolution gave birth to the information era or what is known as the 21st century economy, where the system favors the individual over the corporation, that's why people can't trust the corporations they used to work for any more, because security doesn't exist any more does it? This is a reality we are living right now where big corporations that had been alive and healthy for decades died or are about to, because of inflation, globalization, and technology among other variables. Do you see where this is going? Not yet? Ok let me expand.
If the economic system favors the individual and you are a corporation, would it be smart to follow the current and enter into the tendency that favors people? Why do you think that corporations like AT&T, IBM, Orbitel,Citi Bank, Ford, General Motors, Good Year, Office Max, Motorola, Chrysler, Toys R US, among others are not just supporting the network marketing industry but also getting directly involved in it? Wow are you getting it now? I hope you are. Because maybe your future depends on it.
You see at the present historical moment is logical to realize that jobs are not working any more. More and more you see technology replacing jobs, and jobs going over seas where labor is cheap. Now traditional businesses are also becoming obsolete because of inflation the costs involved in opening a business are over the logical range. So what are you going to do? I really hope you got it by now... Because life is about decisions and you have one in front of you right now, which is what are you going to do when somebody talks to you about network marketing?
Friday, September 13, 2013
Are you ready?
In the industrial revolution the economic system favored the corporation over the individual, but in today's age which is the Information age the system favors the individual over the corporation. That's why big corporations like AT&T, toys r us, IBM, orbitel, Citibank, ford, General Motors, good year, office max, Motorola, Chrysler, and many others support and are involved in the network marketing system. You see ignorance is the worse poison in existence right now, and people loose opportunity because of it. Are you willing to open your mind to the best opportunity in today's economy? Or are you going to listen to the ignorant over the credible sources? Network marketing is a business platform that requires low investments, low monthly operational costs, it globalizes easily, and right at this moment is becoming the next great economy.
Tuesday, September 10, 2013
Decisions define your life
The most defining moments in life are those in which we make decisions. The manifestation of events in our lives is most definitely not based on good or bad luck since those don't exist, but on good or bad decisions. Now those life's decisions should no be based on references that come from past experiences since those experiences don't always show truth. For example I've heard people say" I'm not going to try another business because I already failed at many. Wao, BIG MISTAKE, BAD DECISION. Base your decisions on the knowledge of who God is and who you are. We have power over circumstances through our ability to make good decisions in life. Here comes one important decision to make. What am I going to do about my economic future? How about network marketing? I believe this to be a very wise decision...
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