Monday, September 16, 2013

You are in Danger. What are you going to do?

There's never been more opportunity to create wealth than today. Today's economy is ideal contrary to what some people think. Inside the time frame of the coming disaster predicted by Donald trump and Robert Kiyosaki in which a depression similar to the one that occurred in the 30's will take place between 2010 and 2020, opportunity rises. Why? Technology is growing giving the entrepreneur the upper hand, globalization is blooming, and because of economic stress people are opened to change. And because of all this network marketing is positioning itself as the economic platform of the new era. Do you want me to prove it? Ok here it goes... The old economy favored the corporation over the individual, this is the economy present during the industrial revolution, where corporations had all the advantages and points in their favor and they could provide for people a future and some security. Now as we know the industrial revolution gave birth to the information era or what is known as the 21st century economy, where the system favors the individual over the corporation, that's why people can't trust the corporations they used to work for any more, because security doesn't exist any more does it? This is a reality we are living right now where big corporations that had been alive and healthy for decades died or are about to, because of inflation, globalization, and technology among other variables. Do you see where this is going? Not yet? Ok let me expand. If the economic system favors the individual and you are a corporation, would it be smart to follow the current and enter into the tendency that favors people? Why do you think that corporations like AT&T, IBM, Orbitel,Citi Bank, Ford, General Motors, Good Year, Office Max, Motorola, Chrysler, Toys R US, among others are not just supporting the network marketing industry but also getting directly involved in it? Wow are you getting it now? I hope you are. Because maybe your future depends on it. You see at the present historical moment is logical to realize that jobs are not working any more. More and more you see technology replacing jobs, and jobs going over seas where labor is cheap. Now traditional businesses are also becoming obsolete because of inflation the costs involved in opening a business are over the logical range. So what are you going to do? I really hope you got it by now... Because life is about decisions and you have one in front of you right now, which is what are you going to do when somebody talks to you about network marketing?

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