Thursday, October 24, 2013


In life just like in business we have many different circumstances and situations that occur every day, at the same time the real focus should not be the actual circumstances but our reaction to them which of course are based on decisions. Decisions are the building blocks of our realities or in other words the conditions that realize or manifest in our lives. Now there's one major problem here and it is that if you don't understand this the decisions made will be random and with no structured direction, and decision with no control and direction equals results with no control or direction. Let me give you a good piece of advise. Make decisions based on truth not reality. You see reality is relative(depending on people's opinion) but truth is absolute. You should never make decisions based on present circumstances or reality but based on the solidity and immobility of truth. Also make decisions fast and rarely if ever go back on your decision. It's very much true that successful people make fast, smart, based on truth decisions and rarely go back. The reason why is that reasons to break your decisions are abundant which doesn't mean they are logical according to truth, so once you make a decision based on truth don't go back...

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