Tuesday, November 5, 2013


Motivation is nothing else than your motive to take action.Now its important to understand that real motivation comes from the spirit realm.It's those seeds or dreams in your spirit what makes you go at something with fire and passion.But as we grow and become adults we reason and kill those seeds of greatness we have inside our spirit. Listen,do yourself a favor and dream again, let me ask you what would you do, buy, where would you go right now if you had all the money and resources in the world. Why have you stopped believing in those things that come to your mind? Greatness starts there. Make a list of all those things you have convinced yourself that are ridiculous and pick them up as dreams again, believe they are possible again. The least benefit you'll get out of it is exercising your faith muscle. Make plans to achieve those things which you convinced your self not to believe in them again because you got to the conclusion they were impossible. Have you thought about where we would be right now if people like Thomas Edison would have stopped believing, if people like the wright brothers or henry ford, or Rosa parks would have stopped believing? Don't kill your calling, don't kill your potencial, don't kill your future...

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