You want to know what a pyramid scheme is. Let me call your attention to corporate america, a system based on promises that one day the government/system will take care of you, when in reality they have been lying to you since the beginning. At the same time they established the education system in 1903 to create a dependant/slave mentality modeled after the Prussian education system, they use the federal reserve system to pay for the bad intentional mistakes of the great institutions and corps like banks and insurance companies, by creating inflation and depreciating your hard earned money. So what is a pyramid scheme? A multilevel system where the one on top makes the money at the cost of the lost lives at the bottom... Isn't that corp america? When was the last time you were treated like the CEO of the company who makes great salaries and get paid bonuses on growth that comes from firing employees like YOU... Who probably worked 40 years with the hope of a retirement that vanished in front of your eyes. I'm not saying you don't deserve that because you have probably had opportunities to get out and have kept in the same egypt/ sla zzve system, I remember talking to people about opportunities who said" that's not for me" maybe slavery is...Oh please and don't make me talk. How about the "social security"?the biggest ponzi squeme ever, which is money taken from you and being used to pay for the thieve's mistakes mentioned above. Did you know that close to 50% of the USA debt is with us, NOT China, china has about 17 % of the USA debt... Come on man I'm P""""""off now Let me ask you are you still sleeping and full of excuses?Or ready to put an end to the abuse? Ready to make things happen and stop hidding behind fears and paradigms established by the same system that wants to eradicate you?
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