Monday, May 5, 2014

Innovation is the key

Apple is isolated from the rest not by the quality of their products, others have that too, not because of the quality and experience of the administration team, others have that,but there's one thing they are extremely special about and that's INNOVATION.They are always in front of the rest when doing something NEW. But today's individual has been trained to fear change.Our education system was built to create dependency through the fear factor in people,which freezes them when faced with opportunities for change,just realize you can't sleep on the floor and fall on the bed.You must shoot different and high. Network marketing is a very effective platform to do just that, CHANGE... Today innovation is necessary, people need to have a brain wash... Yes that's right a BRAIN WASH, because we have been contaminated with fear and the expectancy of the worse when in reality the present times are very favorable for those that trust God and open their hearts to the need and the reality of change... 

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