Thursday, December 4, 2014

technology and success...

Today more than ever technology is the way to have success. more than 75% of all business is moving online… Now the question is what should you be doing to access this resources… First one is education. You like everybody else should look into gaining knowledge on how to use the power of the internet. this info is accessible very easy through online training and information. and last but not least is constant awareness of what is happening around you that involves growth and development… The first problem I see with people that get stuck is that they think every resource that exists they already have, and that's ignorance to the next level…this is just a quick wake up call...

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Today is a new day

We as humans fall into the trap of everyday living with its situations and our own interpretations of them... At the same time it's important to understand that taking charge of our understanding about situations and or interpretation of them is necessary... " As a man thinketh in his heart so is he" the word of God is simple and at the same time specific when it talks about this. The main issue is not what happens but how you interpret what happens, which is what really makes the difference. If you understand that situations and circumstances don't have any power on you but the power you give them through your interpretation of them, then and only them have you taken a big leap towards success and life mastery...

Monday, May 12, 2014

Why say no.

Saying NO to distractions is a very common thing among high profile entrepreneurs. Now remember these people already have one or more vehicles that are efficient in taking them where they want to go. If that's not your case why do you close your mind? Without lying to your own self answer this, is what your doing taking you where you want to go? Most probably the answer is NO. And please don't tell me your high paying job will do, or your RE license, or your great profession, which might pay good at the same time that it enslaves you to working 16 hours a day. If that's what you want then say no. But my friend if that's exactly what you don't want then open your ears, eyes, and heart to Network Marketing because it's a great vehicle to take you to the land of the free. Now I can almost hear a few people say, yea but I know people that tried and it didn't work, well at the same time many tried to graduate from your profession and it didn't work, but that didn't stop you from starting and finishing your degree. Still others might say" I tried it myself and it didn't work, well you also started working after graduating with the hope of making a lot of money one day and being free and that freedom hasn't and you know will never come, but you continue to work and don't even miss a day. Come on let's not kid ourselves here, life is about decisions and the ones you make today will definitely impact your tomorrows.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Will technology help you? Or kill you?

While doing research on the internet I found out the situation of technology replacing jobs is worse than I thought. I found out that the garbage disposing service just like almost any other service that involves a person driving will be in trouble.

Google has been working on automated cars as a way to increase safety and help humans reduce the time spent commuting to work. But how about office work.

Instead of paying an army of lawyers and paralegals to review documents, software can do the job in a fraction of the time for a fraction of the cost.

"From a legal staffing point of view, it means that a lot of people who used to be allocated to conduct document review are no longer needed, Bill Herr, a lawyer, told the New York Times that “People get bored, people get sick, they complain, and ask for salary raises....Computers don’t.”

But not only that, robots are already creeping into diagnostics and surgeries. Schools are already experimenting with software that replaces teaching hours.

So where is your future? Let me ask you when was the last time someone spoke to you about Network Marketing. You probably thought this is not for me, after all I have my profession or I have my Job. Well it's time to think again,because one of the few things robots will never be able to do is the core of prosperity and the secret of business success and that is to build and maintain human relationships...and my friend that's what network marketing is all about. People helping people. I know because of ignorance we have thought it was about selling products or services and yes it has something to do with that, but the main focus of the industry from a PROFESSIONAL point of view is building organizations through the art of building relationships...maybe just maybe one day soon your security will depend on it...

Monday, May 5, 2014

Innovation is the key

Apple is isolated from the rest not by the quality of their products, others have that too, not because of the quality and experience of the administration team, others have that,but there's one thing they are extremely special about and that's INNOVATION.They are always in front of the rest when doing something NEW. But today's individual has been trained to fear change.Our education system was built to create dependency through the fear factor in people,which freezes them when faced with opportunities for change,just realize you can't sleep on the floor and fall on the bed.You must shoot different and high. Network marketing is a very effective platform to do just that, CHANGE... Today innovation is necessary, people need to have a brain wash... Yes that's right a BRAIN WASH, because we have been contaminated with fear and the expectancy of the worse when in reality the present times are very favorable for those that trust God and open their hearts to the need and the reality of change... 

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Stop the abuse

You want to know what a pyramid scheme is. Let me call your attention to corporate america, a system based on promises that one day the government/system will take care of you, when in reality they have been lying to you since the beginning. At the same time they established the education system in 1903 to create a dependant/slave mentality modeled after the Prussian education system, they use the federal reserve system to pay for the bad intentional mistakes of the great institutions and corps like banks and insurance companies, by creating inflation and depreciating your hard earned money. So what is a pyramid scheme? A multilevel system where the one on top makes the money at the cost of the lost lives at the bottom... Isn't that corp america? When was the last time you were treated like the CEO of the company  who makes great salaries and get paid bonuses on growth that comes from firing employees like YOU... Who probably worked 40 years with the hope of a retirement that vanished in front of your eyes. I'm not saying you don't deserve that because you have probably had opportunities to get out and have kept in the same egypt/ sla zzve system, I remember talking to people about opportunities who said" that's not for me" maybe slavery is...Oh please and don't make me talk. How about the "social security"?the biggest ponzi squeme ever, which is money taken from you and being used to pay for the thieve's mistakes mentioned above. Did you know that close to 50% of the USA debt is with us, NOT China, china has about 17 % of the USA debt... Come on man I'm P""""""off now  Let me ask you are you still sleeping and full of excuses?Or ready to put an end to the abuse? Ready to make things happen and stop hidding behind fears and paradigms established by the same system that wants to eradicate you?

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Active inspiration

How does an entrepreneur achieve growth and success? Some say trial and error. And to a certain extent that's right, but it goes beyond that unto a process called active inspiration. You see inspiration is very much misunderstood because people see it as a spooky, from the other side information that travels through the spirit world and reveals to your subconscious mind. But in reality inspiration has three main sources. The first is your own experiences and how you interpret them, then is circumstances that develop around you and how you interpret them, and last there is a spiritual revelation criteria. When someone gets an idea that idea was inspired by a combination of two and more probably all three of those sources, but the most important thing is that the inspired idea you got if not activated through some type of action it becomes negative. You see when the idea is put into action you have a chance to grow and learn, so even if it doesn't result in the success you wanted it gives you a learning platform from which to build unto success. On the other hand if it's not activated it provokes a misconception of self identity, or what is the same a tool to justify the idea that you are not a successful individual, after all you talk, get inspired with ideas but then don't do anything with them. Entrepreneurs are proactive individuals that know the power of logical action and use it every day...

Monday, April 28, 2014

Ignorance about network marketing

Our society is overtaken by ignorance.Ignorance on very important issues like our economic lives is the result of our education system.Now because my profesion is network marketing I've study points of ignorance concerning our industry.First point is that NM is about selling products, even though products are sold our focus is building organizations through becoming a professional.Second is that it's a difficult way of making little money,in reality it's a not difficult but VERY DIFFICULT way of making a FORTUNE. Now there you see why some say it doesn't work.YOU HAVE TO BECOME A PROFESSIONAL.

Friday, April 25, 2014

The drop of water story

As I analize success I realize that it's really simple.There are not many variables that contribute to an individual experiencing success but one of the vital ones is found in the water drop story.In a cave there was a big rock and a small drop of water on top of it.The rock always bragged about its strengh and challenged the drop. The drop knew that time would tell the real story and started hitting the rock day after day, week after week, month after month. Year after year until one day that massive rock broke down. My friend the principle the drop applied you can too. Persistence overcomes resistance.

Friday, February 21, 2014

Two kinds of people

Ther are two types of people in the world, and they are the ones who win and the ones who loose, the ones who achieve their goals and the ones who work to achieve othe people's goals, the ones who reach their destiny and the one who are working tirelessly to help others reach theirs, the ones who work for their future and the ones who are hired to work towards the archiving of other people's futures. Now the main difference between them two is that the one that doesn't achive, conquer, and enjoy his own dreams and destiny is because he is too afraid to do what's necesary, they will excuse themselves by saying" I don't have the money" or "I don't have the experience" or the most classical one of all "I don't have the time" the sad thing is that they have the money, experience, and time to do it for somebody else that's not his wife and kids... Wow what a terrible reality. How can fear paralize you like that? There's no better time than now.... Please loose that fear and act now towards your dreams and make them a reality...

Monday, February 3, 2014

Transfer factors and health

Transfer factor are very small molecules that have a very important role concerning our health. These molecules work directly with one of the most important if not the most important system in our bodies"the immune system".

Now the big thing about this is that these miraculous molecules work by modulating your immune system which means they have the power to activate the immune system by bringing it to balance. You see this is a very essential role of our immune systems because we are attacked every day in two areas of immune defficiency, hyper activity and hypo activity. Hyper activity of the immune system is an area of deficiency where auto inmune conditions develop like lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, and many others, and hypo activity is just the opposite where CANCER can develop.

Now the role of TF is basically to activate your immune system by providing it with intelligence, and intuition thus giving it the capacity to maintain balance and perfect health. What an amaizing discovery... If you, a family member, or friend is suffering with any condition whatsoever  give transfer factors a chance. You will not regret it. For more info visit

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Think about what you are thinking

Thinking is the most important skill that anybody can develop in today's world. The fact is that every thing as we know it starts with the thought process of somebody. From every thing you see, to every thing you have, everything was once thought about by somebody before it realized in the physical world. Now even knowing this most people don't take charge of their thinking dynamics.

There are two points to analize when we talk about our thinking processes. The first is INTENTION, thinking with intention is very necesary. You want to guide your thought in the right direction and not let them run wild. The second is ATTENTION, and this is acomplished by paying close attention to your thoughts and the results they create in you. In other words thinking about what your thinking is one of the most important things you can do if you want to direct your life on purpose.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Inteligencia emocional

Mientras mas personas buscan por mejores vias para crear ingresos y un mejor futuro, mas interes se crea alrededor del mundo por el tema de la prosperidad y la libertad financiera... La REALIDAD Es que Es un tema de mucha importancia ya que el futuro de nuestra familia depende de cuanto sabemos acerca de esto... Pienso que es de extrema importancia que diga esto ya que soy cristiano y entiendo que en el aria de la Fe hay mucha desinformacion y plena ignorancia acerca de la labor de Dios en comparacion con la nuestra. Hoy dia Muchos cristianos Caen en la trampa de pensar que Dios esta a cargo de todos Los detalles de nuestras vidas, y aunque esto Es verdad en cierto modo, nosotros tenemos la responsabilidad de hacer nuestra parte y sembrar en Cada aria de nuestras vidas para cocechar... Nuestra familia Dios nos la puso en nuestras manos para que nosotros nos ocupemos de Ella, y aqui me refiero al hombre de la Casa. Mas hoy dia Muchos piensan que Porque van a la Iglesia y predican la palabra( lo cual Es IMPORTANTE) ya Han hecho todo y Dios se ocupa del resto.

Truth, Reality, and Destiny

Look at the report I found. This is not just true but also worthy to be looked at and believed. You judge for yourself "One of the most frustrating issues to haunt the halls of alternative economic analysis is the threat of misrepresentative terminology. For instance, when the U.S. government decided to back the private Federal Reserve in lowering the interest rates on lending windows to European banks last month, they did not call this a bailout, even though that’s exactly what it was. They did not call it quantitative easing, or fiat printing, or a hyperinflationary landmine; rarely does bureaucracy ever apply honest terminology to their subversive activities. False terminology is the bane of every objective analyst, because in order for them to educate and awaken those who are unaware of the truth, they must first battle through the daunting muck of the general public’s horrifically improper perceptions and vocabulary. The chain of financial events taking place over the past decade in Asia have been correspondingly mislabeled and misunderstood. What some economists see as total collapse is actually a new and decidedly prophetic (or engineered) transition. What some naively see as the “natural” progression of globalism, is actually a distinctly deliberate program of centralization meant to further the goals of world economic and political totalitarianism. Asia, and most especially China, is a Petri dish for elitist psychopaths. What we see as suffocating collectivism in this region of the world today is the exact social schematic intended for the West tomorrow. Call it whatever you will, but on the other side of the Pacific, like the eerie smile of a sinister clown, sits fabricated fate. The genius of globalization is not in how it “works”, but in how it DOESN’T work. Globalization chains mismatched cultures together through circumstance and throws us into the deep end of the pool. If one sinks, we all sink, enslaving us with interdependency. The question one must ask, then, is if all sovereign economies are currently tied together in the same way? The answer is no, not anymore. Certain countries have moved to insulate themselves from the domino effect of debt implosion, one of the primary examples being China. Since at least 2005, China has been taking the exact steps required to counter the brunt of a global debt collapse; not enough to make it untouchable, but enough that its infrastructure will survive. One could even surmise that China’s actions indicate a foreknowledge of the events that would eventually escalate in 2008. How they knew is hard to say, but if the available evidence causes you to lean towards collapse as a Hegelian creation (and it should if you are paying any attention), then China’s activity begins to make perfect sense. If a globalist insider told you that in a few short years the two most powerful financial empires in the world were going to topple like bowling pins under the weight of their own liabilities, what would you do? Probably separate yourself as much as possible from the diseased dynamic and construct your own replacement system. This is what China has done… China started with the circulation of Yuan denominated bonds, like T-Bonds, meant to securitize Chinese debt, creating an outlet for the currency to go global. China’s considerable forex and bond reserves make this move a rather suspicious one. With so much savings at their disposal, why bother to issue bonds at all? Why threaten the traditional export based economy and the uneven trade advantage that the country had been thriving on for decades? The success of Chinese bonds would mean the internationalization of the Yuan, a floating valuation of the currency, and the loss of the desirable trade deficit with the U.S. Back in 2005, this all would surely seem like a novelty that was going nowhere fast. Of course, today China’s actions suggest an unprecedented push to convert to a consumer hub at the center of a massive trading bloc. To put it simply; China knew ahead of schedule that the U.S. was no longer going to be a viable customer, and reliance on such a country would spell disaster. They have been preparing to break away from America’s consumer markets and the dollar for some time. In 2008, after China announced the use of the Yuan in cross border trade on a limited basis, I began to write about the possibility that China was preparing to break from the Greenback. For the past few years my primary focus in terms of finance has been the East as a kind of warning bell for the state of the global economy. In 2009 and 2010, it became absolutely clear that China (with the help of global corporate entities) was developing the skeleton of a new system; a trade network that that had the capacity to supplant the U.S. and end the dollar’s world reserve status. Since then, Yuan bonds have spread across the planet, China has dropped the dollar in bilateral trade with Russia, the ASEAN trading bloc has formed into a tight shell of export partners, and that is just the beginning. Two major announcements in 2011 have solidified my belief that a complete dump of the dollar by eastern interests is near… First was the announcement that China was actively and openly pursuing the establishment of a central bank for the whole of ASEAN, with the Yuan utilized as the reserve currency instead of the dollar: This news, of course, has barely been reported on in the mainstream. As I discussed at the beginning of this article, the terminology surrounding economic developments has been diluted and twisted. When China states that an ASEAN central bank is in the works, we need to point out what this really means; the ASEAN trading bloc is about to become the Asian Union. The only missing piece of the puzzle is something that I have been warning about for at least a couple years, ever since my days at Neithercorp (see “Migration Of The Black Swans” as a recent example). This key catalyst is the inclusion of Japan in ASEAN, something which many said would take five to ten years to unfold. News released this Christmas speaks otherwise: Japan has indeed entered into an agreement to drop the dollar in currency exchange with China and has expressed interest in melting into ASEAN. Japan has also struck somewhat similar though slightly more limited deals with India, South Korea, Indonesia, and the Philippines almost simultaneously: This means that the two largest foreign holders of U.S. debt and Greenbacks will soon be in a position to tap into an export market far more profitable than that of America, and that all of this trade will be facilitated by currencies OTHER THAN THE DOLLAR. It means the end of the dollar as the world reserve and probably the end of the dollar as we know it. Japan’s inclusion in this process was inevitable. With its economy already in steep deflationary decline, the Yen skyrocketing in value against the dollar making exports difficult, as well as the ongoing nuclear meltdown problem at Fukushima, the island nation has been on the edge of complete collapse. Its only option, therefore, is to sink into the chaotic seas, or float like a buoy tied to an Asian Union. There can be absolutely no doubt now that Japan will soon implement the latter solution. The dilemma at this point becomes one of timing. Now that we are certain that two of the largest economies in the world are about to dump the Greenback, what signals can we watch when preparing for the event? My belief is that the trigger will come squarely from the U.S. and the Federal Reserve, either as legislation to heavily tax Asian imports, a renewed threat of further credit downgrades like that which S&P brought down in August, or the announcement of more open quantitative easing. Any and all of these issues could very well arise in the course of the next 6-12 months, QE3 being a basic no-brainer. ASEAN could, certainly, drop the dollar immediately after their central bank apparatus is put in place, resulting in a much more volatile trade war atmosphere (also useful for full global centralization later down the road). The point is, we are truly at a place in our economic life when ANYTHING is possible. My hope is that as our predictions in the alternative economic community are proven correct with every passing quarter, more Americans will take note, and prepare. I can say quite confidently that we have entered the first stages of the catastrophic phase of the economic implosion. All the fantastic and terrible consequences many once considered theory or science fiction, are about to become reality. Practical solutions have been offered by myself and many others. The only thing left now is to take action, or ride the tidal wave of destruction like so much driftwood. We can help to determine the outcome, or we can be idle spectators. In everything, there is a choice…"


when we hear "you need to diversify" a few interpretations come to mind according to our knowledge and understanding about the art of investing. one of the most common ones is "I have to find different companies to put my money in to DIVERSIFY, don't put all the eggs in one basket right? WRONG. let me explain To diversify and be effective you have to understand that real diversification is in different areas or types of investments and not on more of the same. There are 4 types or categories of investments... businesses, real-estate, paper investments like "mutual funds","shares" etc...and material resources like "gold" "oil" etc... Now let me expand a little on the first which is businesses. To create a business nowadays you should take in consideration a few things, one being initial investment, another one operational costs, and third viability. You see today's economy has been impacted by globalization and technology in a great way. thats one of the reasons we are experiencing inflation like we are, and the average individual can not afford the high costs of a traditional business, thats one of the areas where network marketing is a star. Network marketing also known as multilevel marketing is a business model where you are provided the infrastructure to do business with, so you don't have to invest large quantities on money to start doing business. besides that, your monthly expenses are low because of the same reason. Now let me ask you, is it viable to go into a business in which your upfront costs are less than $1000 and you monthly expenses less than $300? further more your return on the investment is infinite? meaning it depends on your effort and dedication not just to the platform but also to your development as a leader. I believe the answer to that question is yes... Today there are paradigms that retract people from doing what is necessary to advance and create a future for them and their families. paradigms like "its a pyramid" or only a few make it... let me ask you, isn't everything a pyramid? and where in business many make it? the answers are simple, yes everything is a pyramid and everywhere only a few make it... who are those? they are the ones that don't give up, the ones that prepare themselves in communication, organization, and strategic planning, in conclusion they are those few individuals that pay the price because they are tired of being tired. My friend when looking to diversify look into network marketing... this is the profession of the future...