Sunday, December 22, 2013
Spirit power
We as human beings are power houses. We have so much potencial inside of us that it is literally unbelievable and unexcusable that we don't achieve our full potencial. The main thing here is that we don't understand our machine, and we don't understand how to use it. You see we are spirits and that's exactly where all the power to achieve is. At the same time our minds are the channel through which our spirit manifests its power. Our minds don't have the power as some think but it's has the power to direct and fully express the real power which as I said before is in the spirit. Let me illustrate this...
For hundreds of years it was believed that no human being could run a 4 minute mile because it was believed to be physically impossible. Until Roger Bannister shattered this believe by running the mile in 3:59. In his minds eye he repeatedly visualized his triumph so intensely that his certainty gave an unquestioned command to his nervous system and he achieved what was though impossible. You see he activated the possibility realm in his spirit through his continuous effort to believe in his mind and boom it happened. Let me ask you what is it you want to archive but see as impossible because people, circumstances or even your thoughts tell you its impossible. Rethink it. Because after reading this you can see that you can take control and make things happen
Thursday, November 7, 2013
Spirit power
We as human beings are power houses. We have so much potencial inside of us that it is literally unbelievable and inexcusable that we don't achieve our full potencial. The main thing here is that we don't understand out machine, and we don't understand how to use it. You see we are spirits and that's exactly where all the power to achieve is. At the same time our minds are the channel through which our spirit manifests its power. Our minds don't have the power as some think but it's has the power to direct and fully express the real power which as I said before is in the spirit. Let me illustrate this...
For hundreds of years it was believed that no human being could run a 4 minute mile because it was believed to be physically impossible. Until Roger Bannister shattered this believe by running the mile in 3:59. In his minds eye he repeatedly visualized his triumph so intensely that his certainty gave an unquestioned command to his nervous system and he achieved what was though impossible. You see he activated the possibility realm in his spirit through his continuous effort to believe in his mind and boom it happened. Let me ask you what is it you want to archive but see as impossible because people, circumstances or even your thoughts tell you its impossible. Rethink it. Because after reading this you can see that you can take control and make things happen
Tuesday, November 5, 2013
Motivation is nothing else than your motive to take action.Now its important to understand that real motivation comes from the spirit realm.It's those seeds or dreams in your spirit what makes you go at something with fire and passion.But as we grow and become adults we reason and kill those seeds of greatness we have inside our spirit. Listen,do yourself a favor and dream again, let me ask you what would you do, buy, where would you go right now if you had all the money and resources in the world. Why have you stopped believing in those things that come to your mind? Greatness starts there. Make a list of all those things you have convinced yourself that are ridiculous and pick them up as dreams again, believe they are possible again. The least benefit you'll get out of it is exercising your faith muscle. Make plans to achieve those things which you convinced your self not to believe in them again because you got to the conclusion they were impossible. Have you thought about where we would be right now if people like Thomas Edison would have stopped believing, if people like the wright brothers or henry ford, or Rosa parks would have stopped believing? Don't kill your calling, don't kill your potencial, don't kill your future...
Thursday, October 24, 2013
In life just like in business we have many different circumstances and situations that occur every day, at the same time the real focus should not be the actual circumstances but our reaction to them which of course are based on decisions. Decisions are the building blocks of our realities or in other words the conditions that realize or manifest in our lives. Now there's one major problem here and it is that if you don't understand this the decisions made will be random and with no structured direction, and decision with no control and direction equals results with no control or direction.
Let me give you a good piece of advise. Make decisions based on truth not reality. You see reality is relative(depending on people's opinion) but truth is absolute. You should never make decisions based on present circumstances or reality but based on the solidity and immobility of truth. Also make decisions fast and rarely if ever go back on your decision. It's very much true that successful people make fast, smart, based on truth decisions and rarely go back. The reason why is that reasons to break your decisions are abundant which doesn't mean they are logical according to truth, so once you make a decision based on truth don't go back...
Sunday, September 22, 2013
Is your family secure?
Look at what I found, and open your eyes...
One of the most frustrating issues to haunt the halls of alternative economic analysis is the threat of misrepresentative terminology. For instance, when the U.S. government decided to back the private Federal Reserve in lowering the interest rates on lending windows to European banks last month, they did not call this a bailout, even though that’s exactly what it was. They did not call it quantitative easing, or fiat printing, or a hyperinflationary landmine; rarely does bureaucracy ever apply honest terminology to their subversive activities. False terminology is the bane of every objective analyst, because in order for them to educate and awaken those who are unaware of the truth, they must first battle through the daunting muck of the general public’s horrifically improper perceptions and vocabulary.
The chain of financial events taking place over the past decade in Asia have been correspondingly mislabeled and misunderstood. What some economists see as total collapse is actually a new and decidedly prophetic (or engineered) transition. What some naively see as the “natural” progression of globalism, is actually a distinctly deliberate program of centralization meant to further the goals of world economic and political totalitarianism. Asia, and most especially China, is a Petri dish for elitist psychopaths. What we see as suffocating collectivism in this region of the world today is the exact social schematic intended for the West tomorrow. Call it whatever you will, but on the other side of the Pacific, like the eerie smile of a sinister clown, sits fabricated fate.
The genius of globalization is not in how it “works”, but in how it DOESN’T work. Globalization chains mismatched cultures together through circumstance and throws us into the deep end of the pool. If one sinks, we all sink, enslaving us with interdependency. The question one must ask, then, is if all sovereign economies are currently tied together in the same way? The answer is no, not anymore. Certain countries have moved to insulate themselves from the domino effect of debt implosion, one of the primary examples being China.
Since at least 2005, China has been taking the exact steps required to counter the brunt of a global debt collapse; not enough to make it untouchable, but enough that its infrastructure will survive. One could even surmise that China’s actions indicate a foreknowledge of the events that would eventually escalate in 2008. How they knew is hard to say, but if the available evidence causes you to lean towards collapse as a Hegelian creation (and it should if you are paying any attention), then China’s activity begins to make perfect sense. If a globalist insider told you that in a few short years the two most powerful financial empires in the world were going to topple like bowling pins under the weight of their own liabilities, what would you do? Probably separate yourself as much as possible from the diseased dynamic and construct your own replacement system. This is what China has done…
China started with the circulation of Yuan denominated bonds, like T-Bonds, meant to securitize Chinese debt, creating an outlet for the currency to go global. China’s considerable forex and bond reserves make this move a rather suspicious one. With so much savings at their disposal, why bother to issue bonds at all? Why threaten the traditional export based economy and the uneven trade advantage that the country had been thriving on for decades? The success of Chinese bonds would mean the internationalization of the Yuan, a floating valuation of the currency, and the loss of the desirable trade deficit with the U.S. Back in 2005, this all would surely seem like a novelty that was going nowhere fast. Of course, today China’s actions suggest an unprecedented push to convert to a consumer hub at the center of a massive trading bloc. To put it simply; China knew ahead of schedule that the U.S. was no longer going to be a viable customer, and reliance on such a country would spell disaster. They have been preparing to break away from America’s consumer markets and the dollar for some time.
In 2008, after China announced the use of the Yuan in cross border trade on a limited basis, I began to write about the possibility that China was preparing to break from the Greenback. For the past few years my primary focus in terms of finance has been the East as a kind of warning bell for the state of the global economy. In 2009 and 2010, it became absolutely clear that China (with the help of global corporate entities) was developing the skeleton of a new system; a trade network that that had the capacity to supplant the U.S. and end the dollar’s world reserve status.
Since then, Yuan bonds have spread across the planet, China has dropped the dollar in bilateral trade with Russia, the ASEAN trading bloc has formed into a tight shell of export partners, and that is just the beginning. Two major announcements in 2011 have solidified my belief that a complete dump of the dollar by eastern interests is near…
First was the announcement that China was actively and openly pursuing the establishment of a central bank for the whole of ASEAN, with the Yuan utilized as the reserve currency instead of the dollar.
This news, of course, has barely been reported on in the mainstream. As I discussed at the beginning of this article, the terminology surrounding economic developments has been diluted and twisted. When China states that an ASEAN central bank is in the works, we need to point out what this really means; the ASEAN trading bloc is about to become the Asian Union. The only missing piece of the puzzle is something that I have been warning about for at least a couple years, ever since my days at Neithercorp (see “Migration Of The Black Swans” as a recent example). This key catalyst is the inclusion of Japan in ASEAN, something which many said would take five to ten years to unfold. News released this Christmas speaks otherwise:
Japan has indeed entered into an agreement to drop the dollar in currency exchange with China and has expressed interest in melting into ASEAN. Japan has also struck somewhat similar though slightly more limited deals with India, South Korea, Indonesia, and the Philippines almost simultaneously:
This means that the two largest foreign holders of U.S. debt and Greenbacks will soon be in a position to tap into an export market far more profitable than that of America, and that all of this trade will be facilitated by currencies OTHER THAN THE DOLLAR. It means the end of the dollar as the world reserve and probably the end of the dollar as we know it.
Japan’s inclusion in this process was inevitable. With its economy already in steep deflationary decline, the Yen skyrocketing in value against the dollar making exports difficult, as well as the ongoing nuclear meltdown problem at Fukushima, the island nation has been on the edge of complete collapse. Its only option, therefore, is to sink into the chaotic seas, or float like a buoy tied to an Asian Union. There can be absolutely no doubt now that Japan will soon implement the latter solution.
The dilemma at this point becomes one of timing. Now that we are certain that two of the largest economies in the world are about to dump the Greenback, what signals can we watch when preparing for the event? My belief is that the trigger will come squarely from the U.S. and the Federal Reserve, either as legislation to heavily tax Asian imports, a renewed threat of further credit downgrades like that which S&P brought down in August, or the announcement of more open quantitative easing. Any and all of these issues could very well arise in the course of the next 6-12 months, QE3 being a basic no-brainer. ASEAN could, certainly, drop the dollar immediately after their central bank apparatus is put in place, resulting in a much more volatile trade war atmosphere (also useful for full global centralization later down the road). The point is, we are truly at a place in our economic life when ANYTHING is possible.
My hope is that as our predictions in the alternative economic community are proven correct with every passing quarter, more Americans will take note, and prepare. I can say quite confidently that we have entered the first stages of the catastrophic phase of the economic implosion. All the fantastic and terrible consequences many once considered theory or science fiction, are about to become reality. Practical solutions have been offered by myself and many others. The only thing left now is to take action, or ride the tidal wave of destruction like so much driftwood. We can help to determine the outcome, or we can be idle spectators. In everything, there is a choice…
Thursday, September 19, 2013
Is your health important?
This is an article I found by Dr Larsen. Amaizing
Oil Pulling
What the Wise Ones in India do Almost Every Day
In India, most teachers, gurus, and individuals have rituals and traditions passed down generation to generation to purify the body. One system has been practiced in Ayurvedic medicine for thousands of years. This system is known as Oil Pulling, and is one of the most independently researched in Indian medical journals. There are claims that this treatment has achieved remarkable results with illnesses such as: migraine headaches, bronchitis, diseased teeth, arterial thrombosis, chronic blood disorders such as leukemia, arthritis and related illnesses, neurophysiological paralysis, eczema, gastroenteritis, peritonitis, heart disease, kidney disease, meningitis, and women’s hormonal disorders. These conditions and symtoms are completely eliminated from individuals who practice Oil Pulling.
In 1996, Andhra Jyoti, an Indian newspaper, conducted a survey among its readers on the effects of Oil Pulling— 89% reported its healing abilities cured one or more diseases including terminal cancer, AIDS and chronic infections.
According to the African Journal of Microbiology Research, Oil Pulling is an effective defense against the bacteria associated with dental caries (tooth decay).
Exactly how do you perform Oil Pulling? Here’s the recipe and method you’ll need to follow:
One tablespoon of cold pressed (virgin or raw) organic coconut or other carrier oil (refer to the hints section below).
On an empty stomach (prior to breakfast) take one tablespoon of oil
into the mouth, but do not swallow it. Move the oil slowly in the mouth then begin rinsing, swishing, sipping, sucking and pulling through the teeth. Practice this for fifteen to twenty minutes
Spit the oil into a toilet or garbage bin, but not the sink as it can solidify in the drain. Thoroughly rinse the oral cavity with water. Brush with fluoride-free toothpaste, followed by scraping the tongue.
Many advocates of Oil Pulling suggest Safflower, Sunflower or Vegetable oil; but more and more studies (and successes) are finding higher quality oils are more effective. The anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-fungal properties of whole, extra-virgin coconut oil makes it the perfect choice for Oil Pulling.
This process thoroughly mixes the oils with saliva. Swishing activates the enzymes and the enzymes draw toxins out of the blood. The oil must not be swallowed, for it has become toxic. As the process continues, the oil gets thinner and turns white. This has, in effect, pulled toxins and poisons out through the mucous membranes of the mouth.
It is important to understand that during the Oil Pulling process, one’s metabolism is intensified which leads to improved health. For many, the most striking results of this process is the fastening of loose teeth, the healing of sores, the elimination of bleeding gums and the visible whitening of the teeth.
The Oil Pulling/swishing procedure is best done prior to breakfast. However, to accelerate the healing process, it can be repeated three times a day; but it is always best to do before meals and on an empty stomach.
Results of Oil pulling Survey by a newspaper in India:
In 1996, after continuous publication of a regular column for three years in their Sunday edition on OP, Andhra Jyoti, a Telugu daily newspaper conducted a survey to find out the types of diseases cured and the effectiveness of OP. Out of a total of 1041 respondents, 927 (89%) reported cure of one or more diseases. People who did not report any cure were 114(11%).The analysis indicated cure of the following types of chronic diseases:
Pains in the body and problems pertaining to neck and above- 758 cases
Allergy and respiratory problems of lungs like asthma, bronchitis etc- 191 cases
Skin problems like pigmentation, itching, scars, black patches, and eczema etc -171 cases
Digestive system-155 cases
Constipation- 110 cases
Arthritis and joint pains- 91 cases
Heart disease and B.P- 74 cases
Diabetes- 56 cases
Piles- 27 cases
Diseases pertaining to female reproductive system reported by women- 21 cases
Diseases like Polio, Cancer, Leprosy, polycystic kidney, neural fibroma, paralysis etc -72
Sample testimonies of different disease cured
There are many testimonies of disease cured from different people, differing in age, sex and duration of disease. More examples are given in my book on “Oil Pulling and Healthy Habits”. Sample testimonies of chronic diseases cured are appended below for showing the curative effect of OP.
Allergy Asthma- Exhilarating Experience
On the first day of OP Feb 25, 1995, I felt an exhilarating feeling of freshness in the mouth.
Because of OP, addiction to cigar smoking cured on Mar 28, 1995. I was able to work with increased energy, concentration and less impatience. My nostrils were clear and clean.
I had food allergic asthma from September 1975. By end of March ’95, I gave up the use of inhalers for asthma.
Numbness in hands and legs disappeared in April 1995.
Discomfort in my feet and joints due to walking disappeared by April ’95.
The food tastes better and I feel more energetic.
I am enjoying the freshness of mouth, good health and very sound sleep due to OP.
Prof V.R.R.M. Babu, (57 years), Geology Dept, Andhra University, Waltair
Constipation – Piles-“With OP Health Is Great Wealth”
I have been practicing OP for the last one year with Til (gingelly -sesame) oil for fifteen to twenty minutes daily in the morning without fail. I am 82 years old. I have been suffering from constipation and piles for the last four decades. I consulted many doctors, used many medicines but with only temporary relief.
Within two weeks of practicing OP, I started getting relief. There was no pain during motion. Inflammation and piles decreased. I started having free and clear evacuation. I am sleeping peacefully and happily at night. Indigestion, lack of appetite has gone. Decades old pain has gone just by doing OP with gingelly (sesame) oil. Our Ayurvedic treatment is a comprehensive solution for all diseases. It is good for all to practice. -“With OP Health Is Great Wealth”.
Padma Bhusan Sri Kalogi Narayana Rao, People’s Poet, Tirupathi, A.P
Diabetes – Pregnancy – Child birth
My age is 41 years. I am a diabetic patient with no children. After doing OP for three months, I became pregnant. At the time of pregnancy, my blood sugar increased. I stopped OP for about a month thinking it was aggravating my problem. Having come to know that aggravation is a sign of cure, I started OP again. The sugar level came down and I continued OP throughout my pregnancy. After a caesarian operation, I gave birth to a baby. The doctors checked for sugar, both for the baby and me. We both were free from sugar. The wound healed well and stitches removed on the seventh day. Doctor was astonished at this. I found OP benefited me in the following ways:
I weigh 90 Kgs. height 4’11” with weak twisted foot. By walking, the foot used to become septic and pus used to ooze. By OP and walking daily, I became strong and was able to walk up the steps without difficulty.
OP reduced sugar gradually and diabetes cured. The skin became clear and shining and the spots on the body disappeared.
The body became strong, teeth firm; gums healthy and the hair turned black and stopped becoming white or gray.
Mrs AVL Umamaheswari, Commercial Tax Dept, Eluru, A.P.
At the advanced age of 74, it is unjust to expect miraculous result from any kind of therapy. Yet I must say that what I have experienced through OP therapy is almost a miracle and quite unbelievable.
Diabetes has been troubling me for the past 13 years. Now my blood sugar level is normal, though I do not take any medicine. I have discontinued all medication including vitamins, enzymes etc.
(Swami Swarupanand Bharati, (K.R.K.Chetty,IPS,D.I.G.(Retd)
Monday, September 16, 2013
You are in Danger. What are you going to do?
There's never been more opportunity to create wealth than today. Today's economy is ideal contrary to what some people think. Inside the time frame of the coming disaster predicted by Donald trump and Robert Kiyosaki in which a depression similar to the one that occurred in the 30's will take place between 2010 and 2020, opportunity rises. Why? Technology is growing giving the entrepreneur the upper hand, globalization is blooming, and because of economic stress people are opened to change. And because of all this network marketing is positioning itself as the economic platform of the new era.
Do you want me to prove it? Ok here it goes...
The old economy favored the corporation over the individual, this is the economy present during the industrial revolution, where corporations had all the advantages and points in their favor and they could provide for people a future and some security. Now as we know the industrial revolution gave birth to the information era or what is known as the 21st century economy, where the system favors the individual over the corporation, that's why people can't trust the corporations they used to work for any more, because security doesn't exist any more does it? This is a reality we are living right now where big corporations that had been alive and healthy for decades died or are about to, because of inflation, globalization, and technology among other variables. Do you see where this is going? Not yet? Ok let me expand.
If the economic system favors the individual and you are a corporation, would it be smart to follow the current and enter into the tendency that favors people? Why do you think that corporations like AT&T, IBM, Orbitel,Citi Bank, Ford, General Motors, Good Year, Office Max, Motorola, Chrysler, Toys R US, among others are not just supporting the network marketing industry but also getting directly involved in it? Wow are you getting it now? I hope you are. Because maybe your future depends on it.
You see at the present historical moment is logical to realize that jobs are not working any more. More and more you see technology replacing jobs, and jobs going over seas where labor is cheap. Now traditional businesses are also becoming obsolete because of inflation the costs involved in opening a business are over the logical range. So what are you going to do? I really hope you got it by now... Because life is about decisions and you have one in front of you right now, which is what are you going to do when somebody talks to you about network marketing?
Friday, September 13, 2013
Are you ready?
In the industrial revolution the economic system favored the corporation over the individual, but in today's age which is the Information age the system favors the individual over the corporation. That's why big corporations like AT&T, toys r us, IBM, orbitel, Citibank, ford, General Motors, good year, office max, Motorola, Chrysler, and many others support and are involved in the network marketing system. You see ignorance is the worse poison in existence right now, and people loose opportunity because of it. Are you willing to open your mind to the best opportunity in today's economy? Or are you going to listen to the ignorant over the credible sources? Network marketing is a business platform that requires low investments, low monthly operational costs, it globalizes easily, and right at this moment is becoming the next great economy.
Tuesday, September 10, 2013
Decisions define your life
The most defining moments in life are those in which we make decisions. The manifestation of events in our lives is most definitely not based on good or bad luck since those don't exist, but on good or bad decisions. Now those life's decisions should no be based on references that come from past experiences since those experiences don't always show truth. For example I've heard people say" I'm not going to try another business because I already failed at many. Wao, BIG MISTAKE, BAD DECISION. Base your decisions on the knowledge of who God is and who you are. We have power over circumstances through our ability to make good decisions in life. Here comes one important decision to make. What am I going to do about my economic future? How about network marketing? I believe this to be a very wise decision...
Monday, August 26, 2013
Are you stuck?
Just like darkness doesn't exist because its just the absence of light, and and sadness doesn't exist because its just the absence of happiness, in the same way being stuck doesn't exist because its just the absence of movement. Let me give you a principle of success that's amaizingly powerful. It's the principle of momentum. As you move forward in your career you will certainly have the temptation to feel stuck. Just remember if you keep moving forward with daily action you are growing. Sometimes growth has to be internal to manifest outside. The bamboo has a 5 year state of no manifestation on the outside and then all of a sudden in 3 months it grows amaizingly fast and high. You see there is a lesson to be learned about success here, and that is that you have to grow inside to be able to hold the weight of your success. Don't ever loose hope, always believe in the principles the word of God teaches on success and be patient through understanding of the process of success...
Tuesday, August 6, 2013
transfer factors and health
transfer factors are molecules that act by equiping your inmune system with intelligence, intuition, and balance. this is an amaizing discovery. I've seen so many testimonies of people being helped with conditions like cancer,skin conditions,diabetes, and many other deseases that attack and hurt human beings today. These molecules have the ability to raise the ability and activity of your inmune system by 437%. if you want info on this subject visit us at it will change your life...
Bianca lissonbe,
David lissonbe,
Tuesday, July 30, 2013
Fear no more....
Fear is a present factor in today's market place. Because of the insecurity of today's economy people find themselves attacked by fear of the unknown. But I believe I have good news for you. The economy is in the best position ever to bless the individual over the corporation. The fact is that the industrial revolution has passed and gave birth to the information era. Now because of the switch in economic tendencies there is a period of conscious discovery that we are going through, the thing is that the fastest you realize the differences and seize opportunity the less you will suffer the effects of change... Now a days a job ( journey of the broke) is not effective and becoming obsolete. More than ever universities are becoming the cradles of the new born unemployed professionals, and at the same time technology is replacing jobs. The time for change is here... Listen to me, globalization and distribution are the most heard of terms in the market place, the reason why is that everybody knows if you apply both you have a great possibility of getting rich... That's why network marketing is the tendency of the moment. Baby boomers are retiring and focusing on wellness and peace of mind. They are the movers of tendencies and are telling you distribute globally products that promote wellness and I'll pay whatever it costs. Wow.... Wake up this is your time to capitalize in today's economy...
Sunday, July 28, 2013
The economic solution for today
Today more than ever people want a business that have the capacity to globalize because its very attractive. That's one of the reasons why over a million people monthly around the world take a look at the network marketing profession. Now that's not the only reason why it's so attractive, also because these are low investment low maintenance cost business, and the greatest of all reasons is that it prepares you with the communication, organization, and strategy building skills you need for today's economy...
This is the profession of the 21st century. Paul Zane Pilzer says it is becoming the next great economy, because over the next decades every product and service will move through the network marketing industry.... Wow that's big. Imagine having residual income hitting your bank account every month from sales of products and services world wide...
Now one thing you have to understand if you are Looking at it as your future, is that network marketing is NOT DIRECT SALES...
You can not replace the whole infrastructure of distribution, talking about wholesale, stores, advertising etc... By just selling products... As a matter of fact you do have to prepare yourself as a communicator and a Leader and that takes time and dedication...
To know more about this amaizing industry visit us at:
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
Is Technology killing jobs....
its common sense to believe that technology boosts productivity and makes societies wealthier, but at the same time it can also have a dark side: technology is eliminating the need for jobs and leaving the typical worker worse off than before. Economic productivity charts indicate that median income is failing to rise even as the gross domestic product soars. “It’s the great paradox of our era, Productivity is at record levels, innovation and technology advance has never been faster, and yet at the same time, we have a falling median income and fewer jobs than ever. People are falling behind because technology is advancing so fast and our skills and organizations aren’t keeping up.”
So we should come now to the realization that all this is bringing about new tendencies, like wellness and network marketing.
Because of the stress of the present moment, now more than ever we are looking for wellness and health, so companies that have products and services that deal with wellness will capitalize in this economy, even more if network marketing is part of the equation. This is the solution for this times, open your eyes and heart, and don't be stopped by what people might think or say, any ways when you are in economic trouble without a job and a future for your kids, those ignorant people that want to talk you out of building your future will not give you a hand but guaranteed they will turn their back on you... So why care what they say.
Visit us at:
Thursday, July 18, 2013
Your time is now...
After being a PE teacher in dade county and a real estate broker I realized I was not moving towards the FINANTIAL freedom I was looking for. I realized what many realize today and that is that they are stuck in the hamster race, running like crazy on the wheel of labor and work but going no where. Today more than ever I see people that are trying to make the system work when in reality the actual system is obsolete.You see the industrial revolution has lost it's power and that's the reason why what used to work is not working anymore, example: 50 years ago people used to work all their lives and retired with freedom, today you know that's impossible. People today are suffering the results of a switch in enconomic tendencies, and there are a few variables that provoke that, one of them is the retirement of baby boomers who are retiring right now and want their money, the problem is that social security is running out of funds. Wow that's why today retiring is not an option. Now without talking too much I want to tell you about a fantastic option, one that some people don't understand yet. That is network marketing. Why? Because is has all the pieces that make up a good economic opportunity for this times. One being low investment and operational costs, another one being globalization, being it an opportunity to generate residual income from different parts of the world from your home. And like that many other ones.
Now, why then people sometimes reject it and think is not worth it. Maybe they don't understand it's a profession and you have to prepare yourself to succeed. Today more than ever preparation is necessary and everybody understand that but don't know network marketing is not the exception, and pretend to have success just selling a few products and waiting for results to happen. You see in this profession you need communication skills and organizational skills. You need to grow as a person and a professional. You need to conquer fears and insecurities. You need to become a coach and a leader figure to many, and once you do that and do it for a long enough time success comes and money follows it in BIG quantities. Network marketing today is the best paid profession in the world, that's why so many entrepreneurs and professionals are seduced by it. If you are one of them visit us at. www.
Tuesday, July 16, 2013
Renew your mind...
The bible says in romans12:2... Do not conformed to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.
It's amaizing to realize that God tells us that in order to experience his will for our lives we have to change not our prayer life, or church going, or even our giving, the reason why is because all that is supposed to be happening already when the apostle gives the church this advise, but he tells them to change their mind, their way of analizing and interpreting things which are the ways the world uses. Wow how about doing that right now? How about thinking according to the word and the parameters the word gives us? In other words thinking like conquerors, like winners. We are called by God to change our perception of reality according to the truth and not shape truth according to our reality.
The promised land is here. Lets take it by force. Every Christian should be in a position of authority and prosperity.
Visit us at
It's amaizing to realize that God tells us that in order to experience his will for our lives we have to change not our prayer life, or church going, or even our giving, the reason why is because all that is supposed to be happening already when the apostle gives the church this advise, but he tells them to change their mind, their way of analizing and interpreting things which are the ways the world uses. Wow how about doing that right now? How about thinking according to the word and the parameters the word gives us? In other words thinking like conquerors, like winners. We are called by God to change our perception of reality according to the truth and not shape truth according to our reality.
The promised land is here. Lets take it by force. Every Christian should be in a position of authority and prosperity.
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No Tengo tiempo...
Una de las razones mas comunes para no ser parte del concepto de redes de mercadeo es: no Tengo tiempo. Mas cada ves que alguien me dice eso yo Le pregunto tres cosas, la primera ¿Es cuan IMPORTANTE Es el tiempo para ti?, y la respuesta Es Siempre, muy IMPORTANTE. Entonces pregunto, ¿y que harias con el tiempo libre? a lo cual responden, pasar tiempo con mi familia. Alli me doy cuenta porque el tiempo es tan importante para esa persona. Ahora la tercera pregunta es, ¿Que Es lo que te quita el tiempo para pasar con tu familia y hacer lo que quieres? Y la persona me menciona varias cosas mas la principal Es el Trabajo. Y alli esta el problema de tal persona. Que al decir que no Tiene tiempo para hacer algo Que puede Darle la libertad de un dia tener tiempo, esta diciendo que el mismo se esta condenando a no tener tiempo nunca y perder esa gran bendicion de la que habla, la cual Es pasar tiempo con la familia y con Los hijos, y ser libre... Dejame decirte y recibe esta verdad: SI NO HACES EL TIEMPO para hacer tus sueños una REALIDAD vas a tener que hacer el tiempo para hacer Los sueños de OTRO una REALIDAD. Suena eso familiar? Dejame aclararte a que me refiero, a tu Trabajo. Trabajando para otro creas tiempo para el dueño de la empresa y Su familia, y creas libertad para Ellos mas tus hijos siguen careciendo de tiempo con Su papa o mama. Wow.... Time to wake cuenta que estoy destrozando tu habilidad de mentirte a ti mismo diciendo que no Tienes tiempo, o otro clasico Es no Tengo dinero, o mas aun frecuente es yo no sirvo para eso. Wow despierta y date cuenta que despues de leer esto no vas a poder excusarte de esa manera mas y vas a tener que decir la verdad la cual Es TENGO MIEDO, y eso esta bien, solo enfrenta el temor y has lo correcto por tu familia.
Visitanos en.
Saturday, July 13, 2013
Esta Es una de las palabras mas olvidadas y evitadas en nuestro alrededor. El Porque Es sencillo, la gente sabe que en la decision esta el movimiento principal hacia el Exito, y lamentablemente hay mucho temor hoy dia. En estos tiempos hay temores que descapacitan a las personas, temores como al Exito, al fracaso, al cambio, a lo desconocido, en fin hay varias formas de temor mas un solo resultado y ese resultado Es una Vida pauperrima, una Vida sin logro y sin Vida real solo existencia.
Si Es que alguna ves te has sentido asi, como que no avanzas y no sabes como, quiero que sepas que hay esperanza. Yo tambien tube tiempos de incertidumbre, mas Cuando entendi el poder de las decisiones todo cambio. Hoy te invito a que decidas crear un cambio en tu Vida, te invito a que no mires las razones por las cuales no puedes sino que mires la razon por la cual puedes y esa es que eres criatura del todo poderoso, creacion a Su imagen y semejanza...
Hoy te reto a que visites nuestra pagina y descubras tu potencial. Quiero ayudarte como he ayudado a tantos hoy...
Si Es que alguna ves te has sentido asi, como que no avanzas y no sabes como, quiero que sepas que hay esperanza. Yo tambien tube tiempos de incertidumbre, mas Cuando entendi el poder de las decisiones todo cambio. Hoy te invito a que decidas crear un cambio en tu Vida, te invito a que no mires las razones por las cuales no puedes sino que mires la razon por la cual puedes y esa es que eres criatura del todo poderoso, creacion a Su imagen y semejanza...
Hoy te reto a que visites nuestra pagina y descubras tu potencial. Quiero ayudarte como he ayudado a tantos hoy...
Monday, July 8, 2013
Cuales son tus miedos?
Hoy en dia hay 3 miedos que plagan la mente de Muchas personas en el mundo. Estos miedos atascan a las personas para que no puedan moverse adelante, y como Es logico debemos vencerlos. Estos miedos son al rechazo, al fracaso, y al futuro...
Ahora en mi Vida el concepto de redes de mercadeo marco un ritmo de crecimiento y conquista, lo cual me ha ayudado a vencer temores y inseguridades, y hoy dia alcanzar y lograr Exito. El concepto de redes te obliga a crecer internamente, ya que bien rapido te das cuenta que sin cambiar no se logra nada, y aqui el gran problema de ciertos individuos que marcan las redes como piramides y estructuras de Negocio que no funcionan... Sencillamente no entendieron que tenian que cambiar y crecer internamente para llevar a cabo este concepto tan grande y maravilloso...
Para saber mas de como esto puede beneficiar tu Vida visitanos en: O
Ahora en mi Vida el concepto de redes de mercadeo marco un ritmo de crecimiento y conquista, lo cual me ha ayudado a vencer temores y inseguridades, y hoy dia alcanzar y lograr Exito. El concepto de redes te obliga a crecer internamente, ya que bien rapido te das cuenta que sin cambiar no se logra nada, y aqui el gran problema de ciertos individuos que marcan las redes como piramides y estructuras de Negocio que no funcionan... Sencillamente no entendieron que tenian que cambiar y crecer internamente para llevar a cabo este concepto tan grande y maravilloso...
Para saber mas de como esto puede beneficiar tu Vida visitanos en: O
Friday, July 5, 2013
Solution to our problems...
Now more than ever there's one reality that screams louder than any idea, opinion or information and that is the fact that people pay a lot of money today, but not for products or services, and you might think then, what do people pay for? Simply people pay for solutions, solutions for their problems.
Now there are many areas that people see as problem areas in their lives. And one of the most important ones is the economic one... Why do I say this? Because the economic situation of a person or of a household affects many other areas like marriage, relationships with children, or even performance on their jobs...
Now to a problem there is a solution. And I want to talk about a great idea that provides a solution to people's problems and that is network marketing.
We live in a world that's under a system of injustice and inequality... A system that mistreats people and abuses the dreams and visions that many individuals like you and me have had for many years. Dreams to give our families the right life. This system is persecuting people, people like you and me that have put the time and effort to have the result and fruit of a different life, a life of security and peace.
Sadly we are not reaping our fruit but instead the system is firing us from our 20 plus year jobs, and just to not have to pay retirement. The system is also replacing our labor with technology. Today more than ever technology is replacing jobs and it will continue. The system is not keeping the promise of security when social security is very social but not secure at all. So my friend I have a question for you, what are you gonna do? Let me tell you what many are doing because its common sence, it's called network marketing... People helping people, that exactly what it is, people getting together to work as one with equal opportunity for everybody... Network marketing is a good idea, an idea that serves a great purpose which is to escape the system that persecutes you by lying to you and then stepping on you like a roach, with no mercy... And I know you know that what I'm saying is true.
For more info on how we can work together for this purpose visit us at...
Now there are many areas that people see as problem areas in their lives. And one of the most important ones is the economic one... Why do I say this? Because the economic situation of a person or of a household affects many other areas like marriage, relationships with children, or even performance on their jobs...
Now to a problem there is a solution. And I want to talk about a great idea that provides a solution to people's problems and that is network marketing.
We live in a world that's under a system of injustice and inequality... A system that mistreats people and abuses the dreams and visions that many individuals like you and me have had for many years. Dreams to give our families the right life. This system is persecuting people, people like you and me that have put the time and effort to have the result and fruit of a different life, a life of security and peace.
Sadly we are not reaping our fruit but instead the system is firing us from our 20 plus year jobs, and just to not have to pay retirement. The system is also replacing our labor with technology. Today more than ever technology is replacing jobs and it will continue. The system is not keeping the promise of security when social security is very social but not secure at all. So my friend I have a question for you, what are you gonna do? Let me tell you what many are doing because its common sence, it's called network marketing... People helping people, that exactly what it is, people getting together to work as one with equal opportunity for everybody... Network marketing is a good idea, an idea that serves a great purpose which is to escape the system that persecutes you by lying to you and then stepping on you like a roach, with no mercy... And I know you know that what I'm saying is true.
For more info on how we can work together for this purpose visit us at...
Tuesday, July 2, 2013
I can see clearly now...
Have you ever had that moment when things
suddenly became clear in your eyes?
You were a bit hazy about how things fit together
or how they all worked, Then suddenly someone
or something happened to make it all seem perfectly clear.
Sure You have. We all have at some point in our lives...
Let me ask you a question.
Are you seeing everything clearly right now in
your economic and personal life?
Can you SEE the big picture?
Hopefully you are and you can.
But if you are one of those, like so many,
who are not and it seems like there is
a fog surrounding everything then this
is for YOU.
What am I talking about? International networkers team...
This is a phenomenon... Don't miss the opportunity to find out....
Visit us at:
Monday, July 1, 2013
El miedo no Es una opcion
Amigo mio hoy estaba hablando con uno de Mis socios de negocios y compartiendo hacerca de como el temor Es el agente de muerte mas poderoso que existe hoy dia. El temor ata y mata diariamente personas y hogares... Como Es que podemos llegar a esta conclusion de una manera tan solida y sin ningun tipo de duda? Bien sencillo, hoy dia Muchos se esconden del dolor de no lograr lo que desean y de la frustracion y verguenza de quedar cortos en nuestras metas, ya que el futuro de nuestras familias dependen de este Exito que deseamos Pero no perseguimos por temor...
Estos Es algo terrible... Ya que sabes que necesitas alcanzar una meta economica para Darle estabilidad a tu familia mas no Tienes la valentia para perseguir tus metas Hasta lograrlas. PREGUNTA, te has sentido asi alguna vez? Sera este dilema parte de tu Vida y tus pensamientos todos Los Dias? Te lo pregunto Porque por largo tiempo asi fue conmigo, mas yo logre soltarme de esa atadura y hoy quiero hablarte de como lo hice...
Lo primero que hice fue: acercarme a Dios de corazon y esto Es vital para el Exito.
Aunque esto lo hemos oido mucho Es IMPORTANTE que lo tomemos muy en serio. El señor y el temor no viven juntos, y hoy dia hay Muchas personas en el pueblo cristiano que viven atados pensando que Si hacen algo para lograr dinero y prosperidad se van a alejar de Dios. No hay nada mas ridiculo que esto ya que Dios es poderoso para mantenerte sin caida. Una relacion real con el señor Es vital para lograr Exito y libertad, mas oigan lo que dije UNA RELACION y no una religion. El poder para vencer el temor esta en la palabra y la oracion. Si un consejo debes recibir hoy Es este, acercate a Dios.... No a la religion y doctrinas de hombre las cuales tienen como centro el desbalance, gente dedicando horas y Dias al ministerio (lo cual esta bien) Pero no dedican tiempo a la familia y Su bienestar...
Lo segundo que hice fue asociarme al concepto de redes de mercadeo y esto ha traido bendicion a mi Vida, ya que me ha preparado ayudandome a crecer como individuo y profesional, dandome conocimiento y destrezas en comunicacion y organizacion. Wow esto ha sido tremendo, yo te aconsejo que lo mires seriamente, ya que puede cambiar tu Vida....
Para mas informacion en lo que hacemos visitanos en:
Estos Es algo terrible... Ya que sabes que necesitas alcanzar una meta economica para Darle estabilidad a tu familia mas no Tienes la valentia para perseguir tus metas Hasta lograrlas. PREGUNTA, te has sentido asi alguna vez? Sera este dilema parte de tu Vida y tus pensamientos todos Los Dias? Te lo pregunto Porque por largo tiempo asi fue conmigo, mas yo logre soltarme de esa atadura y hoy quiero hablarte de como lo hice...
Lo primero que hice fue: acercarme a Dios de corazon y esto Es vital para el Exito.
Aunque esto lo hemos oido mucho Es IMPORTANTE que lo tomemos muy en serio. El señor y el temor no viven juntos, y hoy dia hay Muchas personas en el pueblo cristiano que viven atados pensando que Si hacen algo para lograr dinero y prosperidad se van a alejar de Dios. No hay nada mas ridiculo que esto ya que Dios es poderoso para mantenerte sin caida. Una relacion real con el señor Es vital para lograr Exito y libertad, mas oigan lo que dije UNA RELACION y no una religion. El poder para vencer el temor esta en la palabra y la oracion. Si un consejo debes recibir hoy Es este, acercate a Dios.... No a la religion y doctrinas de hombre las cuales tienen como centro el desbalance, gente dedicando horas y Dias al ministerio (lo cual esta bien) Pero no dedican tiempo a la familia y Su bienestar...
Lo segundo que hice fue asociarme al concepto de redes de mercadeo y esto ha traido bendicion a mi Vida, ya que me ha preparado ayudandome a crecer como individuo y profesional, dandome conocimiento y destrezas en comunicacion y organizacion. Wow esto ha sido tremendo, yo te aconsejo que lo mires seriamente, ya que puede cambiar tu Vida....
Para mas informacion en lo que hacemos visitanos en:
Friday, June 28, 2013
El precio de la libertad
Me encuentro desayunando en el Latin American en este momento y estaba pensando en Los ultimos 5 años de mi Vida, y el tramo que hemos caminado y esto Es tremendo. Cuando te das cuenta que has logrado alcanzar metas y lograr triunfos sientes un impulso incontrolable de darle gracias a Dios por proveerte el vehiculo y la Fe para lograr... Mas hoy especificamente estaba pensando en el proceso que hemos pasado, donde hemos crecido personal y profesionalmente, ya que nada grande en la Vida Es facil y rapido sino que toma tiempo de preparacion y crecimiento.
Hoy en dia vivimos en un mundo rapido, donde Se requiere eficiencia y rapides proveiendo productos y Servicios ya que la gente quiere lo que quiere YA... Mas aunque esto Es verdad, esto no debe desviarnos de entender la importancia del desarrollo del ser humano como persona y como profesional, hay que entender que el Camino al Exito no esta compuesto de Cortes de via sino que Es una Linea recta, o vas por esa linea, o vas por esa Linea, no hay opcion...
Lo que te quiero decir es: no trates de negociar el precio del Exito. El Exito no Se negocea sino que Se logra.... Por esa razon hay personas que hablan mal de Los negocios de Redes de mercadeo, Porque no Han entendido que hay que crecer, trabajar, persistir, para lograr.
Como Es que cabe en la mente de una persona que Se puede reemplazar un sistema completo de distribucion o lo que Se Le llama una cadena de intermediarios, solo con vender un Producto y sentarse a ver novelas, y no cambiar ni una cosa de las que haces que te separan del Exito? Las redes de mercadeo Es tan solo la plataforma de distribucion de productos o Servicios en la cual el individuo provee la distribucion a traves de organizaciones de profesionales. Otra vez dejame preguntarte, como Es posible que alguien Sea tan ingenuo al pensar que puede acceder a Los ingresos que Se mueven en estas Cardenas de distribucion al reemazarlas sin crecer, aprender, y lograr un desarrollo como profesional? Mas esto Es lo que sucede en el 95% de Los casos donde personas hablan en contra de l plataforma de negocios. Nunca entendieron o Quizas nunca Se les explico.
Para entender el concepto visitanos en:
Hoy en dia vivimos en un mundo rapido, donde Se requiere eficiencia y rapides proveiendo productos y Servicios ya que la gente quiere lo que quiere YA... Mas aunque esto Es verdad, esto no debe desviarnos de entender la importancia del desarrollo del ser humano como persona y como profesional, hay que entender que el Camino al Exito no esta compuesto de Cortes de via sino que Es una Linea recta, o vas por esa linea, o vas por esa Linea, no hay opcion...
Lo que te quiero decir es: no trates de negociar el precio del Exito. El Exito no Se negocea sino que Se logra.... Por esa razon hay personas que hablan mal de Los negocios de Redes de mercadeo, Porque no Han entendido que hay que crecer, trabajar, persistir, para lograr.
Como Es que cabe en la mente de una persona que Se puede reemplazar un sistema completo de distribucion o lo que Se Le llama una cadena de intermediarios, solo con vender un Producto y sentarse a ver novelas, y no cambiar ni una cosa de las que haces que te separan del Exito? Las redes de mercadeo Es tan solo la plataforma de distribucion de productos o Servicios en la cual el individuo provee la distribucion a traves de organizaciones de profesionales. Otra vez dejame preguntarte, como Es posible que alguien Sea tan ingenuo al pensar que puede acceder a Los ingresos que Se mueven en estas Cardenas de distribucion al reemazarlas sin crecer, aprender, y lograr un desarrollo como profesional? Mas esto Es lo que sucede en el 95% de Los casos donde personas hablan en contra de l plataforma de negocios. Nunca entendieron o Quizas nunca Se les explico.
Para entender el concepto visitanos en:
Thursday, June 27, 2013
Pobresa o riquezas. Por cual te decides?
La pobresa y la riqueza no tienen Su Origen en la habilidad sino de la mentalidad...asi como el hombre piensa en Su corazon asi Es el...
Los pensamientos son el comienzo de todo lo que Se logra, aun de las opiniones que tenemos Cada dia... Te has dado cuenta que las personas a las que escuchas Se convierten en tu meta de logro? En otras palabras te conviertes en aquellos a Quien escuchas... Wow que revelacion: te estoy tratando de decir que Si te escuchas a ti mismo terminas como tu... Osea que Si estas descontento con tu estado actual sera mejor que escuches Los consejos y sujerencias de otro que este en la posicion que deseas tener...y no tengas Tantas opiniones....
Hoy en dia hay Muchas opiniones mas pocos resultados principalmente en aquellos que mas opiniones tienen... Muchos te dicen ESTO NO FUNCIONA.... Y al ver Su Vida te das cuenta que obviamente lo que Han hecho Si que no funciona, ya que trabajar tantos años para estar en una posicion de inseguridad y escazes, no habla de resultados ni credibilidad para dar consejos...
Otros dicen las redes son piramides y fraudes..... Mas Ellos Han trabajado esclavisados en piramides jerarjicas donde Los dueños hacen el dinero junto con el CEO y dan migajas a Los trabajadores para un dia muy posiblemente botarlos sin previo aviso... Wowww QUE GOLPE... Mas estos son Los que mas hablan... Hermano cual Es tu decision? A Quien vas a escuchar? En Quien te vas a convertir? Yo personalmente Si he experimentado a travez de las redes libertad de la opresion del Trabajo, crecimiento personal y profesional... Y conosco Muchos personalmente que estan generando ingresos que estan FUERA DE LO COMUN... Ingresos residuales que te dan libertad de tiempo para cumplir en deseo y la vision de Dios en tu corazon... Nuevamente a Quien vas a escuchar? Y en Quien te quieres convertir?
Para conocer mas de lo que hacemos visitanos en:
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
Wake up...
I believe we are living times of difficulty because change is happening all around us. Now some people are interpreting this as a bad thing when in reality it's a great thing. Change is necessary to grow and prosper in anything and everything you do.
To understand how to benefit from these changes that are happening we should learn from our mistakes and have faith in the future God has placed before us. There's opportunity all around us, we just have to take it and seize the moment.
Now let's analise how in the past our grand parents and parents have worked over 30 years in the work system.... Did they retired with plenty of money to live comfortably? Can they spend the rest of their lives enjoying life and not just surviving? If not, what makes you think doing the same thing they did you'll get a different result? You see common sense is the least common sense of all senses. How about after we understand this fact we do something about it and change our destiny?
Today more than ever change is necessary and only those that embrace it will survive, and faith without works is dead. My brother it's necessary to go towards the future with the strengh and desision to do whatever is necessary to recieve god's will for our lives. In my case I decided to do network marketing. So how about looking at it as an option.
For more information on what we do visit us at:
To understand how to benefit from these changes that are happening we should learn from our mistakes and have faith in the future God has placed before us. There's opportunity all around us, we just have to take it and seize the moment.
Now let's analise how in the past our grand parents and parents have worked over 30 years in the work system.... Did they retired with plenty of money to live comfortably? Can they spend the rest of their lives enjoying life and not just surviving? If not, what makes you think doing the same thing they did you'll get a different result? You see common sense is the least common sense of all senses. How about after we understand this fact we do something about it and change our destiny?
Today more than ever change is necessary and only those that embrace it will survive, and faith without works is dead. My brother it's necessary to go towards the future with the strengh and desision to do whatever is necessary to recieve god's will for our lives. In my case I decided to do network marketing. So how about looking at it as an option.
For more information on what we do visit us at:
Sunday, June 23, 2013
Cual Es tu compromiso?
En este dia al estar en una boda de unas amistades hay una palabra que viene a mi pensamiento, y la palabra Es COMPROMISO... Es logico entender que uno de Los significados de una union en matrimonio entre un hombre y una Mujer Es el compromiso que Se establese en esa union. Mas al mismo tiempo la palabra compromiso Tiene un significado y una aplicacion muy amplia... Hoy quiero hablar del compromiso entre el hombre del hogar y Su familia, mas especificamente sus hijos...
Hoy en dia nuestra responsabilidad hacia nuestros hijos Se ve altamente comprometida ya que como padres una de las obras mas importantes que debemos hacer Es proveer economicamente para el futuro de nuestros hijos y ser ejemplo de logro y conquista. Ahora, es facil darse cuenta que esto Se dificulta Cada ves mas y mas... Cada dia mas y mas empleos Se van a otra partes del mundo mientras la tecnologia reemplaza mas y mas oportunidades de empleos y negocios tradicionales.
Por esa razon yo entendiendo mi compromiso hacia mi Esposa y hijas decidi ser parte del concepto de redes de mercadeo... Y amigo, hoy dia Le doy gracias a Dios ya que estoy disfrutando mas tiempo libre con Mis hijas y esposa, y entiendo que les estoy dejando un legado de triunfo y logro a Mis hijas, donde ellas nunca tendran que conformarse como Muchos hoy en dia, que aceptan lo que viven ya que nadie les mostro que Es posible salir del monton y hacer la diferencia....
Para ver como hemos logrado esto visitanos en :
Hoy en dia nuestra responsabilidad hacia nuestros hijos Se ve altamente comprometida ya que como padres una de las obras mas importantes que debemos hacer Es proveer economicamente para el futuro de nuestros hijos y ser ejemplo de logro y conquista. Ahora, es facil darse cuenta que esto Se dificulta Cada ves mas y mas... Cada dia mas y mas empleos Se van a otra partes del mundo mientras la tecnologia reemplaza mas y mas oportunidades de empleos y negocios tradicionales.
Por esa razon yo entendiendo mi compromiso hacia mi Esposa y hijas decidi ser parte del concepto de redes de mercadeo... Y amigo, hoy dia Le doy gracias a Dios ya que estoy disfrutando mas tiempo libre con Mis hijas y esposa, y entiendo que les estoy dejando un legado de triunfo y logro a Mis hijas, donde ellas nunca tendran que conformarse como Muchos hoy en dia, que aceptan lo que viven ya que nadie les mostro que Es posible salir del monton y hacer la diferencia....
Para ver como hemos logrado esto visitanos en :
Saturday, June 22, 2013
What is network marketing about?
How many cases of fired employees do you see everyday? How many times have you heard that a friend of yours or even a family member is suffering from stress because his income is not secure and the well being of his family is in danger? Wow this is something we hear about very frequently, and that's sad even more when you know at the same time that the rich gets richer while the poor gets poorer. Have you ever thought for a moment that the system is not working for us anymore? Have you thought about the fact that the current system is favoring only the few that we work to support? Because now more than ever the few gets richer from the labor of the many... Let me ask you does that sound like corporate america?
You see the facts are facts, and when you see a system that persecutes the many to benefit the few, then the many have to get together and work to protect eachother, with everybody's benefit in mind... My friend this is network marketing.... A system that gives everybody the same opportunity to achieve success. By working together with the purpose of achieving the freedom that the corporate system does not and will not give you. Network marketing is the perfect business...
For information on how to find the right company visit us at:
You see the facts are facts, and when you see a system that persecutes the many to benefit the few, then the many have to get together and work to protect eachother, with everybody's benefit in mind... My friend this is network marketing.... A system that gives everybody the same opportunity to achieve success. By working together with the purpose of achieving the freedom that the corporate system does not and will not give you. Network marketing is the perfect business...
For information on how to find the right company visit us at:
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
Take action
I. Every object in a state of uniform motion tends to remain in that state of motion unless an external force is applied to it. The same occurs to the state of rest as the object tends to stay at rest unless an external force is applied to it....
Action is necessary, and today because of fear there are people that apply the rule on the negative side... They fall pray of the paralysis of the analysis and this is very sad... So how about taking a step forward, even if you fall you are still ahead of where you were before...
Now let me share with you some insight as to how to bringing yourself to action... You see your mind is the battle ground and you should pay attention to it to prepare it for the projection of action... Here comes a strategy that's simple and at the same time powerful... Read and listen to information that promotes action, positive and revealing information on how success happens, and not only listen but submerge yourself in that information daily... This is my friend the most powerful thing you can do...
Tuesday, June 18, 2013
Deseas el logro? Aprende Su ciencia
La ciencia del logro Es inmensa mas como todo en la Vida Tiene un significado central y puntos esenciales para Su alcance... Por un momento quiero hablar de ciertos puntos que entiendo que son esenciales para ser habiles logrando las metas y sueños que Dios a puesto en nuestros corazones...
En mis mas de 12 años trabajando con personas me he dado cuenta que una de Los puntos mas importantes a conocer por cualquier individuo que quiera lograr, Es el poder comprender como EL MISMO funciona....
El ser humano Es tridimencional. En Su totalidad el hombre es Espiritu, Alma, y Cuerpo. Mas hoy quiero concentrarme en el Espiritu y compartir ideas que pienso que pueden cambiar nuestro enfoque y nuestras estrategias hacia lograr Exito...
El Espiritu del ser humano puede ser comparado con Tierra ya que Tiene la caracteristica o habilidad para traer a manifestacion lo que Se deposita en forma de semilla dentro de el... No solo eso, el Espiritu Es la dimension mas prominente del hombre, lo cual quiere decir que lo que sucede en nuestras vidas Es un resultado directo o fruto de lo que fue sembrado en nuestro Espiritu... La mente o el alma a diferencia Es el direccionador del potencial del Espiritu, o el puente a travez del cual el Espiritu se manifiesta en la dimencion Fisica, mas la mente no posee el poder como muchos piensan...
Ahora como podemos nosotros impactar de modo positivo la dimension del Espiritu?
A esa pregunta hay realmente Muchas respuestas, ya que hay una gran variedad de estrategias que Se pueden usar para sembrar semilla de logro en el Espiritu. Mas hoy quiero compartir un principio sobre el cual todo esto funciona y una estrategia para implementarlo... El principio Es que tu Espiritu acepta como semilla eso sobre lo cual tu te enfocas constantemente y por un largo periodo de tiempo...
Ahora al entender este principio Es logico usar estrategias que aplican este principio y aqui va una...
Crea un album de sueños y metas. Esto Es bien sencillo ya que sobre una pancarta tu pegas fotos que te identifiquen con tus sueños y metas. En otras palabras buscas fotos que por lo menos Se asemejen a lo que quieres lograr, sea la Casa de tus sueños, el Carro que un dia deseas tener, o la vacacion que deseas tomar con tu familia , Etc..... Y el detalle aqui es que vas a poner uno de estos en Cada lugar donde pasas tiempo, Desde tu cuarto, Hasta el baño, el Carro o cualquier lugar donde puedas recordar tu proposito y meditar en el. Amigo esto Es muy poderoso, ya que estas impregnando tu Espiritu con esta informacion y el dara fruto de acuerdo a la semilla que tu siembres en el...
Para mas informacion acerca de lo que hacemos y como esto puede ayudarte a lograr lo que deseas visitanos en.
Monday, June 17, 2013
El cambio Es inminente
Todo lo que existe Es obligatoriamemte sometido a cambios... Los oceanos y mares tienen corrientes cambiantes, Los cielos cambian constantemente, aun toda materia cambia de acuerdo a la fuerza de cambio que la someta...
Ahora; Es IMPORTANTE entender esto, porque quieras o no quieras el cambio Es inminente, Toda dimencion de tu Vida debe cambiar. Espiritu, alma, y cuerpo deben cambiar y cambian constantemente, el punto a entender Es cual de las dos fuerzas de cambio las someten.
Hay dos fuerzas fundamentales de cambio, y de Ellas de deriva todo cambio que sucede. La primera Es la fuerza desarrollativa, y la segunda Es la fuerza corrosiva...
La fuerza desarrollativa Es la que experimentas en tu cuerpo Cuando el mismo Se desarrolla y crece. Tambien la mente Se desarrolla bajo esta gran fuerza de cambio, Cuando aprendes algo Nuevo, y obviamente en el espiritu tambien actua Cuando tu Fe Se desarrolla... Ahora la segunda fuerza la corrosiva toma accion en el cuerpo Cuando el envejecimiento toma lugar, y asi mental y espiritualmente....Pero Porque Es esto tan IMPORTANTE?
Muy sencillamente Porque Si no aplicas una, estas aplicando la otra... Amigo NO HAY PUNTO MEDIO...
Y he aqui lo que quiero traer a tu mente y a tu corazon, NO TE RESISTAS AL CAMBIO... Es inminente, solo aprende a dirigirlo y guiarlo. No Le tengas miedo al cambio, mas bien tenle miedo al miedo al cambio, ya que el miedo te paraliza y al no actuar esta dando cabida a la fuerza corrosiva, y asi Es en toda aria de tu Vida, incluyendo la economica...
Hoy en dia Muchos Se resisten al cambio que Es inminente... La economia esta sufriendo cambios radicales al punto de reemplazar las columnas que mantenian la economia Antigua por Nuevas columnas o variables que aplican a la nueva economia...
Que tal Si te digo que la columna Llamada capitalismo esta siendo reemplazada por la columna Llamada conocimiento. La era industrial, donde el que tenia el capital tenia la ventaja(Capitalismo) paso, y a dado lugar a la era de la informatica donde el que Tiene el conocimiento Tiene la ventaja. Quieres que te lo pruebe Mira a Mark Zuckerberg y Su creacion ( Facebook).
Asi mismo variables como la globalizacion esta reemplazando a la localizacion. Te has dado cuenta que Los negocios en redes son Los que subsisten sobre Los negocios locales? Mira Home Depot, y Los supermercados Publix. Tambien Es IMPORTANTE que te diga que Los empleos desaparecen Cada dia mas gracias a otra variable, La tecnologia. La tecnologia esta reemplazando Los empleos, y asi las oportunidades de una Vida al menos normal para todo el que Se resiste al cambio el cual Es inminente....
Con todo esto quiero decirte que las Redes de Mercadeo son el Negocio perfecto. NO TE RESISTAS AL CAMBIO, solo te estas dañando tu mismo. La verdad Es que en unas decadas mas del 75 % de todo Producto o Servicio siendo usados por consumidores Se moveran a travez de la industria de Redes de Mercadeo....
Pon atencion y no retraces en tu Vida lo inminente....
Thursday, June 13, 2013
When I think of a pyramid scheme the first thing that comes to mind is the Ponzi scheme... now let me talk about it a little bit to clarify what it is and how it worked...
Ponzi was an italian immigrant that started an investment business platform. At that time the postal offices around the world offered international correspondence coupons that were certified as valid around the world, so Ponzi's idea was to buy low and sell high, and he built an investment machine to attract investors...
Gradually these investors started investing, even though they weren't confident in the promises Ponzi gave them, and so they were investing minimum amounts of money, but when they saw that their investments gave them a return of 50% or more they gained confidence and started to invest in the thousands... Now to make the long story short, the Ponzi's empire grew and he became a very rich man, to the point of becoming the owner of a regional Bank and living in a very exclusive aria in lexington, Massachusetts.
There was only a problem with that and it was that ponzi was promising a return on the investment based not on the reserves he had but on the money invested by the new comers. Wow doesn't that remind you of social security? And Wall Street ? Haaa what a joke, Ponzi was punished but this big entities do the same thing without punishment... Now because of this way of dealing with people and their money there was no real product or service flowing down as money came up... My friend that's a pyramid squeme....
On the other hand NM is. Legit business model because it provides a real value for the money being paid... Not only its a real business model but also people like Paul Zane Pilzer calls it the model through which the economy will move. You see eventually every product and service will move through NM... Also people like Charles W King calls it the most attractive and powerful business model in the NEW ECONOMY... And Robert Kiyosaki calls it the perfect business...
Now you can sit there while you read this and still persist in saying this is a pyramid squeme or you can see the truth and fight for your future and your family...
Visit us at
Ponzi was an italian immigrant that started an investment business platform. At that time the postal offices around the world offered international correspondence coupons that were certified as valid around the world, so Ponzi's idea was to buy low and sell high, and he built an investment machine to attract investors...
Gradually these investors started investing, even though they weren't confident in the promises Ponzi gave them, and so they were investing minimum amounts of money, but when they saw that their investments gave them a return of 50% or more they gained confidence and started to invest in the thousands... Now to make the long story short, the Ponzi's empire grew and he became a very rich man, to the point of becoming the owner of a regional Bank and living in a very exclusive aria in lexington, Massachusetts.
There was only a problem with that and it was that ponzi was promising a return on the investment based not on the reserves he had but on the money invested by the new comers. Wow doesn't that remind you of social security? And Wall Street ? Haaa what a joke, Ponzi was punished but this big entities do the same thing without punishment... Now because of this way of dealing with people and their money there was no real product or service flowing down as money came up... My friend that's a pyramid squeme....
On the other hand NM is. Legit business model because it provides a real value for the money being paid... Not only its a real business model but also people like Paul Zane Pilzer calls it the model through which the economy will move. You see eventually every product and service will move through NM... Also people like Charles W King calls it the most attractive and powerful business model in the NEW ECONOMY... And Robert Kiyosaki calls it the perfect business...
Now you can sit there while you read this and still persist in saying this is a pyramid squeme or you can see the truth and fight for your future and your family...
Visit us at
Wednesday, June 5, 2013
A secure future shouldn't be so hard
Today everybody is looking for security for them and their families. Now there's a problem and that is that the system we as a people are under is not working anymore...
Corporate america has became the great piramid. Never before in history we have experience the reality of so many people feeding the dreams of so few people, and even more at a so high cost... People are basically giving up their families for a promise that is not ever met any more. The promise of one day retiring and enjoying life. Let me ask you, at what cost? Are you willing to give up seeing your kids grow up? Are you willing to give up your youth for a promise that requires working over 40 hours a week, for 40 years to retire with 40% of the income that wasn't enough to start with, and oh by the way get as a present, a $40 rediculus is that?
How about opening your mind, and getting together with other equal minded people to escape the system?
Let me tell you it's being already done by like minded individuals that have understood that the system is falling and sucking in anybody that doesn't wake up... Paul Zane Pilzer says Network Marketing is positioning itself as the next great economy... Every product and service will one day not far from now move through the Network Marketing industry, Robert Kiyosaki calls it the perfect business, and Charles W King says, it is the most powerful and attractive business model in the new economy...
Network marketing is it's name. And its your time to claim your part...
for more info on how to understand this better....
Is freedom important to you?
How sad is the fact that one of our motivations to feel good would be the weekend when every day should be the same. How sad that so many of us are living a life of limitations where you do, get, and enjoy what you can not what you want... You see I found myself 5 years ago sleeping in that horrible reality. I say sleeping because all of a sudden I woke up to the reality I was living. A life that most certainly I did not want to live...
let me go back and tell you a little bit of my story. I was a physical education teacher who did not like to be tied up to a system that tells you when to wake up, when to eat lunch, when to go home, and even limits you to a certain style of living... I believe in freedom.... so together with my wife we open a real estate office after beings realtors for a few years. At this time my wife got her RE broker's license and so we opened the office...long story short, we grew the office to about 60 agents, but the real estate market crashed...
wow what a hit... In reality it was hard for me because I knew I had to go back to my Career as a teacher... That's when a friend of mine spoke to me about network Marketing....
I'll be honest, when I saw the presentation I did not intend to become part of the organization, but two of my realtors agreed to do it, and then it hit me, why not sign up and have them sign with me... And I started going through the steps I was told...
to my surprise I grew relatively fast and so I started researching the industry and the rest is history.... I have fallen in love with this amaizing industry Because it gives everybody (not only the CEO and his close people) the same opportunity to create a future and leave a legacy of achievement and success....
Network Marketing is as Robert Kiyosaki calls it the perfect business. Please follow my advise and don't listen to people that speak without any means to back up what they are saying.... some will tell you that it doesn't work because only a few make it... Wow that reminds me of corporate america, but any ways if that was a solid reason then we have to say that pro sports don't work either. Lets see basketball, how many people play it? And out of those many millions how many play in the NBA?
And we have to also say that academic education doesn't work , because over 60% of students drop school, and out of the ones that stay only a few really are recognized as successful in their field... another few will say it doesn't work because they tried and it did not work... Wow they also tried marriage and when it didn't work they tried and got married again. The question is did they become professionals or just did not put the effort and dedication to then say IT DIDN'T WORK...
pay attention to my words and believe me it can really change your life....
for more info find out here
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